{29} "Awkward."

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**Black Magic**

"Chrissie." I heard someone whine beside me. I don't want to wake up because of someone, because when that happened, Jeff's dick was in my face.

"What?" I groaned as I rolled over to another side, the side that Liu wasn't on.

"Are we still gonna hang tonight?" He asked as I shook my head. "But why?"

"Well, first of all, I'm not into you. And second of all, even if I was, I'm not looking for a relationship." I answered as I rolled over to the side Liu was on. I noticed that both of his hands were behind his back.

"What if I gave you something?" He tried to bribe me.

"I'm not into a dick either."

"No! It's not that!" He exclaimed.

"I bet he's still a virgin." I mumble under my breath. "Anyways, what is it?"

"This." He said before taking a shiny, glowing, big ass crystal from behind his back. "And I heard the thing you said before asking 'what is it'. I want to declare that I'm not a virgin." I snickered.

"Doubt it." He rolled his eyes before looking at me with pleading eyes. For a second I was wondering what he wanted until I remember the crystal from 1 minute ago. "Oh, I can't accept this."


"I'm not into shiny stuff like idiot humans are." I said.

"Oh. So I'm considered an idiot human?"

"I dunno, are you human?" I asked him as he checked his neck for an heartbeat.

"Eh, no, I don't have a heartbeat."

"Then I dunno what you are. Now get out of my room and let me sleep."

"Fine." He said before leaving.


I yawned as I walked down the stairs. I looked into the chilling room, (we don't call it "living" room because we're not living.) but no one was there. Looked into the kitchen and nobody was there. I looked in all of their rooms- even Slenderp's 'office'- and they weren't there.

"What the hell?" I asked myself before shrugging it off. I might as well kill the whole day. I grabbed my bag with my hatchet and knife, and walked out of the house.


I finally walked back into the mansion from my day of killing. I looked into the meeting room (Again we're not living so it's not a living room) to see everyone crowded by Slenderp.

"Ah, Chrissie, we've been waiting for you." Slenderp said as I took a seat next to Symphony.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong. We just have a new Creepypasta."

"I don't understand 'Creepypasta', I know we're creepy but we're not pasta." Jeff said.

"Don't, just don't question the name." Slendy said in the most ancient way possible. "Anyways, her name is Jessica and she's a succubus." A blonde medium height showed up from behind the skinny, tall, ancient man.

"What's a succubus?" Symphony asked.

"I'd rather not explain." Jessica said as she looked at Jeff for a quick second then looked at me and growled. I know what she is. A dangerous creature towards men. She seduces men, brings them to her bed and once you fuck her, you'll either get STD's or you die. And she knew I knew that. She stared at me in a 'you better not spoil my plan' way.

"Why the hell are you staring at mean mugging me?" I asked her.

"I'm not mean mugging you." She said in the most innocent way possible.

"Um, yea you were."

"Um, no I wasn't." She tried to smile at me. I squinted my eyes at that, black bow wearing, pale skinned, pink shirt wearing, big chested, black skirt wearing, knee high white sock wearing freak. Yes, I had to make a list before calling her a freak. She looked at Jeff one more time before following Slenderp upstairs. She's gonna take Jeff.

"Chrissie, you want to steal video games again?" BEN asked me.

"Didn't we steal a load?" I asked back.

"Yes but those games are getting boring now." He whined.

"Probably 'cause you haven't played any of the games in multiplayer." I said.


"Yes it is, now let's play Super Smash." I said as I dragged him off the couch and headed for the stairs.

"Awe." I heard Symphony coo as I turned around and stuck up the middle finger at her. I soon followed BEN up the stairs and into his room.


Something was insanely weird about Jessica. She keep staring at me, burning holes into me. As soon as she came down the stairs, she walked towards me.

"Hey, you must be Jeffrey." She said as I growled. Why can't people understand that I hate that name?

"Yea, but don't call me that." I said.

"Okay then." She said awkwardly. "Sorry."

"It's okay, you're new here, you don't know what goes on around here." Unlike Chrissie who likes to call me that constantly.

"I like what you've done with your face."She said.

"Which he had done to himself before he killed our parents and tried to kill me."

"Oh, so now you're mad about it!" I yelled.

"Probably because I've finally came to my senses and stopped trying to forgive you." Liu said.

"Oh please! You forgave me the minute you found me."

"Whatever, I'm not gonna deal with you right now." He said before getting up and going up the stairs.


I angrily stomped up the stairs, hearing a guitar when I was passing Symphony's and Chrissie's room. I opened the door to see Chrissie on her bed playing an acoustic guitar. {Yea I wish I could play guitar XD}

"Sorry I don't treat you like a god, is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect, like all your little loyal subjects do."

"Wow." I coughed as she stopped playing the strings.

"Um. Hi." She said awkwardly as she stared at me.

"You sing, um.... beautifully." I said.

"Thanks." She muttered quietly.

"Awkward." I sang in a quiet high pitched voice. And she chuckled.


Aye guys! It's Bobbie A.K.A Chrissie. I changed my name to Bobbie. The song I used when Liu walked in on me singing was "I'm Just You're Problem" by Marceline from Adventure Time. I used the Ashe

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