{9} "A good guy into a bad guy"

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As soon as we made it to BEN's room, he locked the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked in fear as he chuckled.

"Nothing really. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything." He stepped closer to me. I felt his hot breath on my forehead. "Unless you want to?"

"No BEN." I replied as he backed up.

"Alright. Tell me when your actually ready." I nodded silently as I unlocked the door. There's nothing going to happen tonight so yea. I fell onto the bed as BEN played Super Smash Bros. I knew he was practicing so I didn't play. I yawned and stared as he played against Dark Link. In the game he was playing as regular Link then there's Dark Link. I feel like he's gonna jump out of the screen or some shit like that.

"Wanna get wrecked?" He looked back at me as he defeated the opponent.

"Which one do you mean?" He asked surprisingly.

"The game."


"No. SSB4."

"Oh. I don't plan to be wrecked."

"Which kind again?" This was definitely confusing me.


"Oh. OK. Mind if I crash here tonight?" He shook his head as he returned to the screen. Picking Zelda as his opponent. He's still playing as Link but he's going against the one he saves in Legends Of Zelda. "I don't get it."

"Get what?"

"That you're playing as Link but you're going against the princess you're supposed to save in the Legends Of Zelda series." He shrugged.

"A good guy into a bad guy." I stood there confused. "Its a theory." I nodded as I watched him play. Soon enough I got tired and fell asleep in his bed.


"Chrissie... wake up..." I heard someone whisper in my ear. I immediately knew it was BEN. I woke up for my head to be in his neck. I felt his hot breath on my ear that made me blush. "Wake up..."

"I'm up..." I said in the same tone as his. He got up... and HE WAS IN HIS FRICKIN BOXERS!!!!! (*_*)

"Ya like what you see?" I noticed that I was staring so I blushed harder. Until he finally put his atire on. Finally (>_

"Oh my gosh where have you been?!" I heard Symphony's voice as she walked into the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"You weren't in our room last night."

"I was in BEN's room." She smirked.

"Oh." She said as she winked at me before taking a seat next to E.J. I rolled my eyes as I looked at Slendy cooking breakfast. Soon, I saw Jeff walk into the kitchen, sat next to Symphony's other side and kissed her on the cheek. I stuck out my tongue and pointed at it. BEN seemed to notice and chuckled.

Soon enough, everyone was seated at the table and Slendy finished making breakfast. I have Bacon. Jeff has pancakes, Symphony has Bacon and eggs, so does Sally, Toby has waffles, E.J. has fried kidneys ( ̄◇ ̄), Masky has chesscake, Hoodie has chocolate pancakes, BEN has like a dozen sausages, and Dark Link has a bagle.


I jumped through the guy's window silently, not breaking his focus in the computer.

"Ring around the fire," I started to sing in a very creepy way. He turned his head and when he saw me he looked shocked. I remember him.

"What the hell?!" He yelled as he jumped out of his chair.

"D.J.?" I asked him.

"Get out before I- wait, how do you know my name?" He asked in fear. I dropped the knife and walked towards him. I took off my mask. His eyes widened.

"C-Christanie?" He said my full first name. I nodded. "You were about to kill me! What the fuck!?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." I said looking down.

"I'm calling the cops." I ran over to my knife and put it on his throat.

"If you tell anybody I will kill you." His eyes grew bigger, if that's even possible.

"What happened to you?"

"Everything and everyone."

"You wouldn't let anything get to you back then!" I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I remembered. When everyone will bully me and taunt me.

"Th-that's then." He shook his head.

"and now you're killing everybody now?!" I had enough now.

"Don't call the cops or you die, got it?" He nodded as I put on my mask and jumped out the window.


I ran into my room and plopped on my bed and took off my mask, letting all the tears fall.

"Whats wrong?" Great. Symphony's here.

"I-I ran into D.J.." Her eyes widened. "He kinda asked me 'what happened' over the years." I chuckled before continuing my story. "He threatened to call the cops, but he knew that couldn't happen."

"You killed him?" I shook my head.

"I couldn't." My voice shook.


"I just, couldn't. I was about to, I could've killed him right on the spot but... something happened... I told him if he told anyone that he's dead." She nodded. I looked at the clock as it said 1:09 pm, I guess I've spent a lot of time. "I'm going to E.J."

"Aren't you supposed to go to BEN? He is your boyfriend."

"He isn't here. So I'm going to the secondary friend." She nodded before I went out the door, walking to E.J.'s door. I knocked on it and soon enough E.J. was in front of my face.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"Wanted to chill." I answered casually.

"What about BEN?"

" I don't know where he is. So I came to my secondary best friend."

"How are we best friends?"

"We have a lot in common." I answered as he shrugged, letting me in his room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I nodded.

"What do you got? I know you have scary movies in there so read me those." He nodded before taking some movies out.

"Haunted House 2, Isidous Chapter 3, and Scream 3."

"Is that seriously all you have?" He nodded while he bit his lip.

"Hold on." He walked out of the room and came back with a movie in his hand. "Twilight?"

"Uck, I hate Twilight." (Sorry Twilight fans!) He sighed.

"Good, I don't have to watch it." He put the movie on his desk and picked up the other movies." Barber Shop?"


"Madea Goes To Jail?"


"Well we'll have to see it later tonight because right now isn't the time for movies."

"I can deal with that."

"Alright, after dinner?" He stuck out his hand.

"After dinner." We shook hands like we we're business men making a deal with some piece of shit.

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