{11} Jeff's Knife

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**Black Magic**

I woke up to something or someone shaking me.

"Chrissie... wake up." I heard E.J.'s voice as he shook me. I groaned.

"I just want to sleep here all day." I whined as I snuggled into the blankets.

"Well you can't." I pouted my lip as he looked at him with heavy eyes. "Wake up and come down for breakfast." I groaned as I got up. I found my self in that one big ass blanket from last night and the comforter under me. I looked above me to see that the fort hasn't gone away yet. I didn't bother to shower, all I did was brush my teeth and brush my hair out. When I was finished I went downstairs as I found everyone but BEN at the table.

"Chris, have you seen BEN?" I heard Slendy ask me as he handed me a plate with pancakes and Bacon.

"No, why?" I replied as I yawned.

"He wasn't in his room and he's not here in the mansion." Symphony said worried as I nodded slowly.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since last night." I reasoned with concern covering my face. The whole table shrugged except Slendy and I.

"Guys this is a big deal and I will set Chrissie, Sally, and E.J. to go look for them after breakfast." That wouldn't work well, since BEN is jealous he might punch or KILL E.J.

"Um, I don't think that E.J. should come." I said awkwardly.

"What? Why?" E.J. exclaimed as I sighed. I leaned towards his ear.

"BEN is jealous of you and I, so he might fight, or even kill you when we look for him." I whispered in his ear.

"Oooooh!" He sighed. "OK."

"Alright then, Chrissie, Jeff and Toby shall look for BEN." Jeff and I groaned as we heard Toby's name. Toby is that type if guy who would bust through a door any second and say 'wassup fuckers' in a super gay way (I know you're thinking of that video, Symphony XP).

"But why Toby!?" Jeff complained as Toby gave him a glare.

"Whats wrong with me?" Toby asked loudly.

"You're the type of guy who would just through a door and say 'wassup fuckers' in a super gay way." I spoke my mind to him as he groaned.

"Toby is going, there's nothing you can do." Jeff and I groan.

"But how come E.J. gets to be off the hook?" Jeff asked annoyed.

"Because BEN looks like he's going to kill him any second." I could tell Slendy was annoyed with our constant whining. If he had a face he would look annoyed like hell."So after dinner you three would-"

"Do a threesome in the woods." Symphony joked as the table laughed except for Jeff, Toby and I.

"Stop it Lily."

"If you call me that I'll call you Slenderp."

"And if you call me that I'll murder you."

"Murderlurder." I said under my breath as E.J. let out a low chuckled.

"Heard that Christanie."

"Now your gonna call me by my full first name?"

"Who else would call you that?"

"Humans that I have killed." I shifted uncomfortably as I was referring to D.J..

"Whatever, back to what I was saying, Jeff, Toby, and Christanie-"

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