{19} "Calm your tits"

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**Black Magic**

{Yes, I did draw that picture at the top}

I was walking around in the streets, without my mask or my regular clothes. I was just looking around and stuff, tired of walking around in Slender woods, I just decided to take a relaxing day in the human world. No killing sprees, no fans/geeks, no nothing. Just relaxing. Well I was until some chick ran up to me.

"Hey, I think you're crazy enough, let's take a walk and I'll explain everything. I just need a friend for once, alright?" I nodded slowly, not quite understanding.

"Why don't you have friends?" I ask. "Like, why don't you hang out with them?" I asked in pure disgust, I can't really talk to humans, besides D.J.

"I'm an outcast so I don't really have friends. In fact I'm not really all that human." I noticed that she had an Australian accent in her voice. She had black, curly,shoulder length hair with eight red streaks in it. She was- I believed- mixed, brown skinned with a bit dullness. She had an orange sweatshirt with the word 'Hi' in red lettering. She had some dark blue skinny jeans, tall red boots with red, orange, and yellow flames at the bottom. She also has dark brown eyes.

"Um, OK let's take a walk." We turned around and started walking. "I'm also not really human, maybe like, Immortal." She nodded.

"Alright, first off, my name is Kaimayda Chanowi." {Ki-mi-da, Cheyn-now-ee} She started off as I nodded. "By the way, before you judge my name, I'm half Japanese. Anyways, when I was born my mom was stupid enough to sell me to the devil in order to keep me alive." She rolled her eyes. "So Lucifer gave me some powers in order to survive."

"What kind of powers?" I asked.

"Telekinesis, and fire powers." She answered.

"Show me some fire and whatever the first one was to prove it." She shrugged as her eyes turned orange and yellow {The eyes above} and made her right hand into a fist. She swung her hand towards a tree and released is, making a fireball hit the tree. "Wow."

"That's just the fire part." Her eyes went back to normal as she stared at the car. suddenly the car flew into the sky and fell down on the street. 


"Exactly now back to the story." We resumed walking. "In the 3rd grade I accidentally made some boy get thrown to the metal playground equipment, with my telekinesis, 'cause he was messing with me. Apparently everyone saw and never spoke to me or messed with me since then. I lost all my friends and since then I was the outcast to the human popularity." She sighed. "Then on my 12th birthday, three weeks ago, I started to get voices in my head, telling me to go someplace."

"What place?" I asked.

"Some place called Slender Mansion in Slender woods." My eyes widened. "The voices must be sent from Lucifer or something."

"Close your eyes." I said.


"Just do it!" She did as I said. I opened a portal to the mansion and forced her to walk in.

"Are you gonna rape me or something like that?" She asked.

"I'm no lesbo."


 Soon enough we walked into the mansion.

"Where am I?" Kaimayda asked.

"Slender mansion." I answered simply as her eyes widened. "Whatever you do, don't talk to anyone here until I introduce them to you, alright?" She nodded as we walked upstairs and technically ran to Slenderp's office. I banged on the door.

"What do you want?" Slendy asked through the door, I guess Kai heard it through her mind because I saw her flinch.

"Let me in real quick."

"The door is unlocked, Chrissie." He sighed as I opened the door and closed it behind us. Slendy stood up immediately. "What is a human doing in here?!"

"She's not exactly human, Slenderp. She said she got some voices in her head from Satan, telling her to come here."

"What is her name? Last and first please." 

"Kaimadya Chanowi." She said as Slenderp just nodded his faceless head slowly.

"Ahh, Kaimayda, you must be the new creepypasta Lucifer has sent. I've heard of you, you was the one with fire and telekinesis right?" She nodded slowly. "Welcome to the family. Black Magic or Chrissie would show you around."

"How could-"

"Don't ask." I interrupted her, already knowing the question she was going to ask. She nodded.


"So who is this sexy chick, Chrissie?" Dark Link asked as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Her name is Kaimayda. The new girl here." I said.

"Mhmm, this new girl is quite the charm eh?"

"Back off Dark. She doesn't want you."

"Aren't you from Ocarina of Time?" She asked.

"You haven't noticed? I'm like the main character in that game." Dark exaggerated.

"No your not. Link is." I said. "Now would you stop hitting on people you just met?"

"Nah, I think I like her already." I rolled my eyes as we went to the kitchen.

"Ya want something to eat?" I asked as she nodded. "Have you ever tried a kidney?" She shook her head. "I'll cook you the finest one and I hope you like it." I took one of my kidneys out of the freezer, and dropped it on the counter, un-wrapping the foil off it. I grabbed a small pan and put the kidney on it, shaking season salt, pepper, and salt on it afterwards. I put it in the oven and set it for 5 minutes. "It would be delicious, I promise."

"Um, OK. So everyone is a serial killer in this mansion?" Kai asked.

"Mhmm, do you hate humanity?"

"Well, yea."

"Great, almost everyone is on the same page." I said.

"What do you mean by 'almost' everyone?" She asked.

"Well, Sally just wanted revenge on her Uncle Johnny."

"What did her uncle do to her?"

"I'd rather not speak of it." She nodded. "Well you might as well get settled in in your new bedroom. It's at the end of the hall, next to the office we just went to." She nodded as she left. I took the kidney out of the oven and put it on top of the stove for it to cool off. Seconds later, I heard a shriek from upstairs. "Shit." I ran upstairs and down the hall to see Jeff pinning Kai down with his knife on her neck.

"Now tell me what is a human like you doing here?" Jeff hissed.

"Jeff!" I turned his head to see me.

"What?" He whined.

"What are you doing to Kai?!" I shrieked.

"You brought her here?! You know what Slendy could do to you once he finds out a human is walking all over the mansion?!"

"Slenderp knows. She's been brought by Lucifer!" He stood up quickly. I noticed that her eyes are turning orange and yellow. I ran towards her and pulled down her hand. "It's alright, Kai, he's not gonna do anything. He's been burnt enough, he doesn't need to be burnt again." Jeff hissed.

"What was she about to do?" Jeff asked.

"Hit you with a fireball. She's capable of controlling fire. And she has telekinesis so watch out."

"What's tele-" Jeff got cut off by being flown over to the wall. Well I guess that made a dent in the wall.

"Did that answer your question?" I asked back.

"No, now tell me before I stab your boob." I gasped and covered my boobs, making him chuckled. "Calm your tits I'm not actually gonna do it." I rolled my eyes.

"She can control stuff, or people, with her mind. So watch out." I answered his question. He nodded before walking away.

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