{10} "Ooooooh, you jelly!"

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About 7 hours later of talking, Symphony and I headed to the kitchen to eat dinner. Once again, we all had pasta, maybe because there we're tons of left overs from last night. Slendy could've cooked but I don't blame him, he acts like a maid and needs a break. So my plate was done as I took it out of the microwave.

"Tomorrow, you all will find your own food. E.J. I think I know what you eat so.... just figure some stuff out." Slendy reasoned as we all nodded in agreement. Toby once again refused to eat pasta and made waffles instead. BEN took a seat next to me and sighed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him.

"I tried to kill his girl by since she was so lonely she kept talking to me and I was like 'bitch let me kill you'. But otherwise I'm good." He said as I chuckled.

"So E.J. and I are watching Madea Goes To Jail after dinner, your welcome to come if you want?" I asked as his jaw clenched. I think he's jelly \(^0^)/.

"No I'm fine." He said poking is pasta.

"Are you jelly?" I said in a really cute girly voice.

"What? Me? No..." He trailed off.

"Ooooooh, you jelly!" I sqealed quietly.

"OK maybe I am."

"Don't worry nothings going to happen. I promise." He nodded curtly as I took a bite out of my pasta.

"Chrissie!!!" I heard a loud sqeal coming from the other end of the table. I tensed up but realised it was just Sally.

"Yesh?" I said doing that signature Matt Espinosa funny face and looking at her. She giggled.

"I want to see the movie with you and Jacky!" I looked at E.J. as he nodded, he was pouted his lips as his mask was tilted up a bit, and if he had eyes he would be making a cute face.

"Oki!" I said excitedly a took another bite of my pasta as E.J. got up and put his plate in the sink, walking ato his room afterwards.


Sally and I made our way up the stairs and in front of E.J.'s door.

"I'm so excited!" Sally squealed as I just smiled.

"I hope you are!" I said as I knock on the door.

"Wait a minute!" He heard Jack yell through the door before he opened it. "Welcome to E.J. Cinema!" Sally and I giggled before entering. He sort of made a fort with the bed and TV we looked inside the fort and found a comforter on the floor with pillows as seats.

"Wow." Sally gaped as she sat on a pillow. E.J. ran in and sat in the middle as I sat next to him.

"I have kidneys for Chris and I, Sally gets candy, and popcorn for each of us!" I chuckled at his excitement. He gets a big ass comfy looking blanket from his bed and onto us. He pressed play and the title screen came on. I ate a kidney then some popcorn and watched.



I walked into E.J.'s room and saw a fort between the bed and the TV. I looked inside to see the title screen playing as soon as the credits rolled by. I saw Sally asleep with her head in his lap, E.J. has his mask titled over his nose, light snores coming from him. I looked over at Chissie and saw that she was slightly hugging him by the shoulders and her head was on his left shoulder. I felt my jaw clench at the sight slightly. I shook Chrissie and she stirred in her sleep. She took her arms off of him and her body faced me her head still on Jack's shoulder.

"Chrissie, wake up." I shook her again as she groaned.

"What?" She groaned.

"Come on we're going in my room."

"Noooo, lemme stay here please." She whined as she looked at me with an adorable face.

"Ugh, fine." I said as I left the room.

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