{23} "What the shit"

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**Black Magic**

I know this song wouldn't go with the chapter but I love this song so much! Just bare with me ppl!

"Hey, why don't you tell me how you ended up here?" Kai asked me as I sighed.

"It's pretty much long. You sure you want to hear it?" I asked her as she jumped in her bed and got under the covers and looked at me.

"I'm up for a long story anytime." She said as I chuckled.

"Fine." I sighed. "It was almost a year ago, when I was playing Legends of Zelda-"

"Which game?" Kai interrupted me.

"Ocarina of Time." She nodded. "Anyways, I was playing it on my Nintendo 64, yes I know the 64 was old but I didn't care." Kai chuckled. "Anyways-"

**Entering Flashback**

"This game is frickin awesome, Deej!" (Kai: What the fuck? Deej? Chrissie: My nickname for DJ. Kai: Oh.) "Thanks for giving to me." I thanked.

"Well at first I thought you wouldn't like it since it was old." DJ said through the phone.

"I'll take any old game if it's in my interest. You knew I loved Legends of Zelda!" I squealed. (Kai: Uck. Another BEN. Chrissie: You met BEN?!)

"Alright, alright, don't send me to the hospital with all this screaming!" He whined as I giggled.

"Fine." I pouted.

"Alright, I'll see you later, Christanie." I groaned.

"My name is Jeff." (Kai: You got that from 22 jump street, didn't you? Chrissie: This was 10 months ago, before 22 jump street. Kai: Were you trying to copy Jeff's name? Chrissie: No! I wanted to be a guy back then. I never knew about him then. Kai: But why would the name be Jeff? Chrissie: Shut up.)

"Yea, whatever." DJ said before I hung up. After I put my phone on the coffee table. I ran downstairs- (Kai: Wait! Downstairs!? Chrissie: My room was in the basement. Kai: Aren't there bugs down there? Chrissie: I killed them all.) -to grab my pink fluffy blanket- (Kai: Why pink? Chrissie: The blanket was the only thing I had pink!) -and purple fluffy pillow and dumped it on the living room floor. I went into the kitchen to get a big bowl of chips and orange pop. I sat on my pillow and wrapped up in the blanket. I turned on the TV and Nintendo 64. I put in Ocarina of Time. I only made it halfway to the Water Temple and to my luck, 5 minutes I was there. Things started to get weird when I entered this level.

"What the hell?" I asked myself as I started to hear evil laughing and people screaming in the background. I found blood replacing the watery areas. Finally I was coming closer to the Dark Link sub-boss. Out of no where Dark Link stabbed Link right in the frickin chest! "What. The. Hell." I said as I dropped the controller. This was definitely not supposed to happen. I've seen YouTubers play this game and they haven't been stabbed in the chest instantly.

Blah Blah Blah things past before I finally turned the game off. Exactly after Dark Link turned into a pile of black bones. I decided to put my shoes on and take a walk to my dad's. As soon as I got there I had a key so I just walked in. I went into my dad's room to see him on the floor with a bloody hole in his stomach. He was still breathing.

"Oh hell no." I said under my breath. Instantly I felt the prencense of another person in this house. It could've been Kentrell or Zayna but Zayna's car was gone and Kentrell wasn't in the living room as usual. "WHOEVER'S HERE SHOW YOURSELF!" I got into the top drawer of my dad's dresser and got his pistol, putting some bullets in it. Soon after, I heard some dark laughter. I turned around to see Dark Link.

"Looking for me?" He asked.

"What the fuck?! You can't be real! You're a video game character!"

"Anything is possible." He said before running towards me with his sword aimed at me. "You're next." He said. I got out of the way for him to stab the dresser.

"The fuck I'm not." I started shooting but kept missing. Damn. He's fast. Before I knew it he kick the gun out of my hands. I fell backwards, he was about to bend over and slice my head off before I tried to back him off with my feet. "Please don't kill me!" I screamed.

"Give me a reason."

"I'll do anything!" He stood up fully and told me to follow him.

**End of flashback**

"And he brought me here and I began to be Black Magic!" I cheered as I threw my hands in the air.

"Umm, wow." Kai said un-amused.

"What's wrong?"

"Another origin that involves video games." She groaned

"Psh, you suck."

"And you swallow."

"You Spit, choke, suck, and swallow, and let it enter your holes!" I burst out laughing as she just stared at me. "Ok, I'm gonna go now." I said before leaving the room. I went into BEN's room to see him playing Super Smash Bros. on the Wii U. "Can I play?"

"Scrabble?" He asked as his eyes glowed.

"No. SSB4."

"Oh. No." He said. I groaned.

'You're so mean."

"So what?" I rolled my eyes as I walked out of his room. I walked towards Symphony and I's room. Be careful. I told myself before I opened my door. I screamed.

"MY EYES!!! MY FUCKING EYES!!!! THEY'RE MELTING!!!" I screamed as I ran down the hall and down the stares. I bumped into Dark Link and fell onto the ground.

"Yo, what's wrong?" Dark asked me.

"I saw. The worst thing in my life." I said.

"What was it?"

"I have officially saw Symphony and Jeff naked."

"What the shit."

"It's 'what the fuck'."

"I say 'what the shit'." Dark asked before he winced. "You're giving me images. Thanks a lot."

"Thank Symphony." I muttered before he walked away.

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