{28} "Elmo!"

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**Black Magic**

"Chrissie.... Chrissssiiiieee.... Chrissie!"

"What?" I groaned only half awake, feeling like I'm even more dead than I already am.

"Waake uup." I heard Jeff slur. I rolled to my side and opened my eyes, expecting to see my alarm clock but no. I see a dick. Yes, a dick.

"SYYYMPHOONNNYYY!!!" I screamed.

✂✂✂✂✂✂✂✂✂ ✂✂✂✂

I was sitting near my bedroom door, hearing Jeff's and Symphony's muffled argument.

"Why the hell would you put your dick in her face!?" I heard Symphony yell.

"I was drunk! I swear on Liu!" Jeff yelled back.

"Hey, I heard my name, what's going on?" I looked up to see Liu looking down at me. He looked tired, well of course, it's 8 in the morning.

"Liu!? Since when was you here?" I asked.

"Since two days ago, no one really noticed me."


"So what's happening?" He asked.

"Symphony and Jeff are fighting."


"Jeff was drunk and he put his dick in my face when he woke me up." Liu snickered. "It's not funny! I'm scarred for life 'cause of your brother!"

"He's not really my responsibility anymore." I nodded slowly as he sat down next to me. Don't flirt, don't flirt, don't fucking flirt. "So, whatcha doing tonight?" God damnit!!


"Wanna hang with me tonight?"

"I don't know, you might pull a prank on me like Jeff did one time."

"What did he do?"

"He flour bombed me."

"That is the least that he can do." He exaggerated the word 'least' and 'he', which means he can be worst than Jeff. Soon Jeff stomped out of the room.

"Move." He demanded as we scooted to the right so he can go down the stairs.

"So are you in or out?" Liu asked.

"I don't know." If he's into me than I will scream.

"I hope you know I'm into you, right?" Right then and there I screamed and went into my room.

"What's wrong now?" Symphony asked me as I screamed into my pillow.

"Liu is fucking into me."

"Awwwee." She cooed.

"It is not 'awe', it's bad." I said.

"How is it bad?"

"I don't want to get in an relationship."

"How come you and BEN was a thing?"

"You will never shut the fuck up, will you?" And with that she shrugged.

"Why don't you wanna be in a relationship? For crying out loud! It's Liu! He's cute."

"I don't care, he's just not my type."

"What is your type?" She asked me.

"Canadians." I said sarcastically.

"So you're into Justin Beiber?"

"Elmo!" She snickered.

"Whatever." She got up and headed for the door.

"Where you going?"

"Out." After she left Jeff came in.

"What do you want Jeffery?"

"Don't call me that." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways I want to say sorry." I lifted an eyebrow. He never said sorry in his life. "For putting my 12-"

"Don't say it." I growled as he tried to smirk.

"For putting my 12 inch dick in your face."

"Okay now that you said that you can leave now." He nodded before leaving.

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