{46} "everything's gonna be fine"

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I ran outside to see BEN crying on the ground.

"BEN, why did you run away like that?" I complained to him as he just looked at me. I saw black ooze stuff coming out of his eyes. Maybe that's what his tears look like.

"I-I was too nervous... I-I couldn't do it. I'm sorry" He said through his sobs.

"Did you even want to do it?" I asked.

"Yes, but I was too nervous. I had to get some fresh air." BEN said.

"Okay, just stay out here so you can calm down, then you can confess. Alright?" He nodded. I patted his head and went back inside.

"What happened back there?" Jeff asked as I closed the door.

"BEN had a panic attack," I said. "So you and Symphony back together?"

"Yup never regretted it." He said proudly as I chuckled. I jogged upstairs and went to Alice's door. I heard her crying, then I knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" She asked as I sighed.

"It's Chris," I said as I opened the door. Her room was painted black, so was her carpet and ceiling. "He just had a panic attack. He's trying to calm down now."

"Okay." She said slowly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Chrissie." She said as she dug her head into her knees.

"Everything's gonna be fine, I promise."


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