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**Black Magic**

Okay. I just figured out that I'm not into plaid skirts or this mask. So I decided to sneak in the house I used to live in. Today is Thanksgiving and my old family always go to grandma's that day. So first, I made sure to tell Slenderp.

"The chances are too risky."  He said.

"Psh, I know what they do on Thanksgiving, they leave fore the whole day at 4:30. And look at the time! It's 5 now." I reasoned as Slenderp sighed.

"Fine. Let's go." He said before teleporting us in front of my old home.

"See! Even the car's gone!"

"Whatever I'll get in 30 minutes." He said before leaving. And with that I walked into the driveway and opened my little brother's window. I guess he still leaves it unlocked. I climbed in, sorta hit is 42 in. flat screen. I ran out of his room, out of the living room, and dining room, to the kitchen. I ran down the stairs and walked through my down. When I opened the door, everything looked untouched. The same stuff was on the floor. Even my stuffed animals were in the same place I left it. The pictures I drew, and the 5SOS poster seemed dusty as well. I guess mom never bothered to clean my room. I shrugged it off and walked towards my dusty dresser. My dad's baby picture was even more dustier than before. I opened on of the drawers to see my underwear.

"Oh, I forgot about this drawer. I need some anyways." I got a bag and put four pairs of bras and four pairs of panties in the bag. (Hehe.. panties ^_^ *giggles*) I opened the second drawer to see all of my jeans. I pulled out my black skinny jeans. I took off my skirt and tights to put on the jeans. I opened the third drawer and saw all of my shirts. I chose my white tank and red flannel. I put these on as I put my jacket and black undershirt in the bag.

"Nice choice."

"Aw shit, Jeff!" I screamed as he chuckled. "Wait, wait, one more thing." I said before buttoning only the top button on my flannel.

"That's what girl thugs to to their flannels." Jeff said.

"So?" I shrugged and looked in my mirror to see my reflection. Haven't seen my reflection in so long.

"So, what are you gonna do about your mask?" Jeff asked.

"I'm keeping it. But only using it for emergencys. I don't need magic to kill." I answered as he nodded. Soon enough, Slenderp showed up behind Jeffery.

"Got the stuff you want?" Slendy asks as I nodded. "Alright, let's go then."

"Wait a minute." I said as I got a decorative skull shirt out of the dresser. "Close your eyes."

"I can't close mine and Slendy doesn't have any."

"Turn around then." They did as they were told as I took off the flannel and white tank. I put on the skull shirt and the flannel on. I threw the tank in the dirty, empty basket I've always used for dirty clothing.

"Ready?" Slenderp asked.

"Ready." I answered as he teleported us back to the mansion. I ran upstairs to my room to see Symphony on her bed.

"Um, wow." She said at my outfit. "What happened?"

"Got a new outfit apparently." I answered.

"Oh, cool. What are you gonna do with that mask?" Symphony asked.

"Not use it, duh." I answered as she chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"My little baby's growing out of that mask." She cooed.

"I am no one's little baby." I said a little more boldly, sound a bit like Ceil from 'Black Butler'. (It's an anime on Netflix XD) 

"You're my little baby!"

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