{25} "You're not my daddy!"

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**Black Magic**

I instantly woke up to a scream. I sat up straight as a pencil. I grabbed my mask and looked out the window to see Stardust and Symphony. Stardust was carrying Symphony while she was tied up.

"Oh hell no." I muttered as I ran out the room to wake up Kai and Jeff. Before we went out the front door, we decided to go through my window since this door is squeaky as fuck and we'll wake up a pissed off Slenderp. We jumped out of the window and followed Stardust and Symphony secretly.


We watched as Stardust ripped the tape off of Symphony's mouth.

"What the hell do you want?!" Symphony screamed.

"Your boyfriend." Stardust answered while she giggled. God, she's so annoying.

"Ha, you'll never get him."

"That's why I'll kill you."

"Um why?" Stardust giggled.

"Because when poor Jeffy is sad, I'll cheer him up, and we'll live happily ever after!" She squealed as Jeff rolled his eyes.

"She's annoying as fuck." Jeff said.

"I know." I said. She pulled out a knife and aimed at her chest. Jeff literally ran out of the bush and tackled Stardust to the ground. She dropped Symphony. Me and Kai went to her to untie her.

"How the hell did you guys get here?" After she said that we all heard a scream from Stardust.

"We followed you and Stardust here." She nodded as I grabbed my knife and cut the ropes and Kai setting fire to them, careful enough to not burn Symphony.

"Thanks." She thanked us after we untied her. Jeff walked up all bloody and stuff.

"Done. I swear, she scratches like a bitch." Jeff said as he rubbed the scratches on his face and arms.

"She is a bitch." Symphony said as she kissed Jeff on the cheek. "Let's go." I nodded as Kai and I followed her and Jeff back to the mansion.


"So you guys are telling me that Stardust is Symphony's sister and wants to steal Jeff away from her?"

"What the hell Slendy!? I swear to god she did!" Symphony said.


"I'm not lying!" Symphony screamed as she cried.

"Slenderp," I said before he interrupted me.

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call you whatever I want to call you. I have Jeff right here, and I'm sure he has his knife on him." I smirked as he crossed his arms and turned his head, not facing me anymore. Oops, he doesn't have one XD. "Me and Kai-" Jeff cleared his throat loudly. I rolled my eyes. "Kai, Jeff, and I have seen and heard the whole thing behind a bush.

"Yea right."

"Dude, why would he hide in a bush?!" I yelled. "We're not that heartless."

"But that doesn't prove that Stardust was Symphony's sister and why Jeff killed her."

"She is my sister! Why would I be lying about and fucking annoying little twat being my sister?!" Slenderp shrugged. "Why would you not know that?! You know everything!"

"Symphony go to your room."

"No! You're not my daddy!"

"But I am." Jeff whispered to me and Kai.

"Shut the hell up Jeff. No one wants to know about your sex life!" Kai whisper yelled.

"I said now!" Symphony rolled her eyes as she stomped upstairs.

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