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I sat in front of BEN's bed, playing Super Smash Bros. with a couple of Level 7 CPUs. I then heard the door open and close as my character showed up on the screen, gloating that I won.

"So, whatcha gonna do now? Alice's in her room." I asked him as I put the gamepad down.

"I'm gonna ask her on a date." He said calmly.

"How ya gonna do that? You can't keep her out after Midnight, and, well, humans. There's humans out there dude!" I exclaimed.

"I can have a disguise."

"Oh yea, I forgot about that." I said dumbfounded. "Hey, do you remember Kai?"

"Yea what about her?" BEN asked me.

"We haven't seen her in months." I said as he nodded. "She has a phone, I know her number, let's call her." He nodded as I grabbed his phone and typed in Kai's number and put it on speaker. It rang a couple times before she answered.

"Kore wa assbutt, Makudonarudo ga ima watashiwoyonde teishi shimasen." ' This isn't Mcdonalds now stop calling me you assbutt.' Yes I took Japanese classes online now shut the hell up.

"Why would I call you for McDonalds?" I asked her as she gasped.


"Kai! Where have you been all these months??" I asked her.

"I went back home."

"Why!? Please come back."

"After I'm done killing my family, it took them months to trust me, I'll earn their trust then kill them." Kai explained to me as BEN smirked and nodded.

"Alrighty then, I'll see you then." I said. "Bye."

"Sayōnara." She said before I hung up.

"Well, you gonna ask her out, lover boy?" I asked him as he chuckled and got off the bed and walked out of his door.

Ha ha, left ya'll at a cliffhanger, i just wanted to tell ya'll i'm sorry for not updating in a while, my plan this summer was to get to chapter 5 on a new story first then update all the other books. The new book is called "The Fallen Angel" its not a fanfic it's just a story i thought of before school started. I changed my schedule to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. They won't be promised but just bare with me. See you Pandas later.

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