{35} "Nice"

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**Black Magic**

"Chrissiieeee....." I heard BEN say my name slowly. "Wake the fuck up."

"Get the fuck out of my bed." I groaned as I turned to my other side, the side that he wasn't on. I heard him chuckle.

"You're in my  bed, cupcake." I groaned.

"I told you to never call me that name again."

"But we aren't dating anymore, aren't we?"

"No. And if you're asking to date you then no."

"I'm not now get the fuck up. Let's go killing." BEN said excitedly as I sat straight up. "I had you at killing did I?" I nodded as he chuckled. I grabbed my black, sparkly bag from the corner beside his bed and jumped out his window, with him following.


"Um no."

"Why not?" BEN asked.

"'Cause this is my old family's house!" I exclaimed.

"Why can't you kill them, like Jeff did?"

"You're starting to sound like Alice." I groaned.

"Oh yea, she told me you guys went killing your ex." BEN explained as I nodded and pointed at the blue house like two houses away.

"The police are still investigating. Trying to find out who did it. Lucky, they can't find any evidence that I did it 'cause I took the knife before we left." I smirked.



Sorry bishes, it was so short. Writer's block is a mf'kn bish!

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