{48} "girls love food"

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Ben's POV

"What should I do, Chris? I've never done this before, even when I was human." I asked Chrissie as she played The legends of Zelda: The Wind Waker on my Wii U.

"Well, ask her out on a date first. Girls love that." Chrissie said before grabbing a handful of Ruffles out of the huge bag of them. "Like, a food place. You probably don't know, but girls love food. No matter how anorexic they are, they still love food. Alice isn't even anorexic, don't even know why I said that last part." 

I was instantly disturbed by the greasy gamepad. I get how you want to eat a bag of chips while you play video games, but at least wipe your hands.

"You're totally going to clean that gamepad when you're done," I demanded sternly.

"Fine," she groaned before pausing the game. "Take her to a restaurant. Buffets cause you to get up too much, like, girls want to know who they're talking to. Getting up to get more food just interrupts that 'getting to know each other' time. Plus restaurants are  fancier than buffets."

"What restaurants are there to choose?" I asked her as she pulled up my laptop, getting her greasy fingers on the keyboard. She's always been this messy. "You're cleaning that keyboard too." I can tell she rolled her eyes at me, but I can't help it.

"Girls love Italian food, so take her to Michael's." She explained.

"So we're going to someone's house?" 

"No, it's this Italian restaurant in my hometown that makes fabulous pizza," Chrissie spoke as I nodded. She grabbed another handful of Ruffles.

"When I come back in this room, that gamepad and keyboard better be free of grease," I told her as she nodded and continued to play The Wind Waker. 

I got up from my bed and walked out of my room. I walked down the hall and went downstairs. I stole some purple tulips that Sally put in the vase near the window in the living room. Sally's probably gonna yell at Alice for the purple tulips in her room but I'm taking that risk. 

I went to Alice's room and knocked on her door, all 7 tulips in hand. I waited 2 minutes before knocking again. 30 seconds later I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I soon saw Alice's face, she blushed.

"I got you 7 purple tulips," I told excited as I smiled, I could feel my blush. She smiled at me.

"Thanks," she said as I handed her the 7 descendants of nature. She smelled them and smiled wider.

"I would like to take you out," I said sternly as she blushed even more. I took a unnoticeable deep breath and exhale. I stopped feeling my cheeks burn and the sweat trickling down my neck.

"When?" I looked at the blue clock behind her. 6:44 pm. I remember Chrissie telling me that girls take forever (1-2) hours getting ready.

"I'll be at your door at 8:51 on the dot," I said as I held my chin up and smiled. She giggled as she set the 7 purple tulips behind her back.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"That's a surprise," I spoke as I winked at her and turned around to go to my wink. I walked back in my room and sighed of relief.

"How'd it go?" Chrissie asked me.

"Awesome. Can you print the map to Michael's?"

"Already ahead of you." I heard the printer throw up a paper with drawings on it. "I went on paint and drew the directions in for you if you ever get lost. I drew a circle where the portal will drop you off, obviously in an alley." I smiled as I hugged her tight.

"Thanks. For everything."

"It's alright. Might as well get you ready. What time did you say you would pick her up?" I stopped hugging her and held her shoulders.

"8:51 on the dot."

"Wow, serious," She said as she grabbed my hand and walked out of the room.

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