3 "Uh..."

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**Black Magic**

Symphony and I jumped through the window and onto the wooden floor. We saw a little boy sitting in the corner, mumbling something.

"I should've never spent my money on food." He said quietly.

"Well you're supposed to be spending money on foods." I randomly said as Symphony nudged my shoulder. "Owie." I mumbled. The little boy looked scared and was trembling in fear.

"Are you gonna kill me?" He asked shakily as I frowned under my mask and Symphony shook her head. "So you aren't?"

"We're not gonna kill you. We're gonna kill your parents." I said.

"How do you know the cause was my parents?"

"Well there's a bruise on your arm and I can read minds." I said.

"Alright, are we gonna kill his parents or just tell all the powers you have?" Symphony asks as I sighed and looked at the little boy through my mask. "What's your name?"

"D-Danny.." He answered shakily. We went into the other bedroom and saw a middle aged woman on the bed.

"Danny cover your eyes." Symphony said as she hummed a lullaby that I can't really remember. She walked in and straddled the woman and started to hum louder, making her wake up.

"What the-"

"Sing me a song and if I like it you live, if not then you DIE" She commanded as the lady started the beginning of a Taylor Swift song. 22. "Nope." The woman screamed as Symphony cut off the lady's head. We ran back to Danny's room and set him on the bed. Later, we heard sirens.

"Damn neighbors keep calling the cops!" I complained then looked at Danny. "You tell anyone about us, you'll die as well." We jumped out of the window, past the cops, and into the woods.


We walked into the mansion and Jeff almost immediately kissed Symphony.

"I missed you." He said while hugging her. If only this mask can frown, unlike Jeff's smile. I went into the kitchen to see Slendy trying to cook dinner.

"What's on the list, Slendy?" I asked him as he looked back at me.

"You'll find out when it's done." Slendy said in my mind as he continued to cook. I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs. But then I bumped into BEN.

"Hey Chris, you wanna play a game?" He asks me.

"Like what?"

"Scrabble." He smirked pervertedly.

"Oh BEN, what happened to the video games?" I asked him.

"I still have them." He responds

"Mario Kart 8?"

"Sure." He smiles as we went inside his room and turned on his Wii U, putting in Mario Kart 8 afterwards.


After a whole grand Prix tracks I won.

"Damn it!" He said as he threw the controller on the ground. "I'm so much better on the game pad!" He yelled as he pointed to the device in my hands.

"That controller has the same controls as a game pad does." I said as I put the game pad on his bed and walked out of the room.

"Dinner time!" Slendy's voice boomed through our mind with following static as usual. As soon as I got there, all of the pastas was at the table except BEN. "Where's BEN?"

"Upstairs probably playing Mario Kart 8." I answered. Soon BEN came in the kitchen and sat in his seat. I had a Burger and fries, Symphony has potato chips with a hot dog, L.J. has his own candy, E.J. has fish and 1/4 of a kidney, Jeff has fried chicken, Sally has spaghetti, Masky has cheesecake, Hoodie has a cheeseburger, Dark Link has fries, and BEN has a turkey sandwich. I ate all of my fries and took a bite out of my burger.

"Masky, I don't understand why you eat cheesecake 24/7." Symphony randomly says.

"Reminds me of my childhood." He answered before taking a bite out of the cheesecake. I looked over at E.J. to see that he only ate his one-fourth of a kidney, but not his fish.

"Chris, remember when you played Ocarina of Time?" Dark Link suddenly asks me. My eyes widened. To be honest Dark Link was the first one I came across of, when he tried to kill me when I played that game. I managed to convince him to let me live. But I had to follow him somewhere, and that turned out to be Slender Mansion!

"We promised to never speak of that." I said firmly.

"Oh well." Dark said before continuing his fries. I rolled my eyes before taking the last part of my burger. I sat up and went upstairs.

"Chris, where are you going?"

"My room!" I yelled as I entered my room, plopping onto my bed. I brought my laptop closer to me and just randomly played some random games online. I continued until the door open to see BEN in the door.

"Watcha doin', babe?" He asked as he sat next to me on my bed.

"Don't call ne 'babe'." I demanded before closing my laptop and putting it on the floor. BEN let go of his legs as they reached the end of this bed. Wow he's tall. Or maybe this bed's small? I sighed as my legs laid down as well. Although, BEN is like my best friend and I can never let him go. Not in that way! We could straighten out some things like;

1. He needs to stop his pervert ways.

I like it when he treats me like a girlfriend and shit, but not when he's acting like a pervert for show.

"Chris, may I tell you something really important?" BEN asks as I look at him.

"Yea...?" I kinda asked and answered. "You can tell me anyrhing and you know that. We're best mates y'know?" He nodded as he bit my lip.

"Umm... I love you..." He says nervously. It's like he read my mind or some shit! I smiled anyways. "Are you laughing?" He asks me as I shook my head.

"I'm just surprised." I said as he nodded. "But we need to get one thing straight."


"You need to stop being a pervert. You have 24 hours to do so." Exactly a whole day since it's midnight now.

"Alright. I wont let you down!" He kissed my cheek before smiling and walked out of my room.


Syphony Sin's pic is at the top.

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