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**Black Magic**

So, once and a lifetime, me and Jeff was walking in the woods. Except Kai was there so don't get your hopes up. Jeff thought that this was the chance that he could have a corny joke fest with Kai. Kai, on the other hand, didn't feel interested and ignored Jeff as much as she could. Luckily Jeff didn't know that she was ignoring him. I could feel that Symphony was staring at Jeff and Kai in jealousy. How I know? Well she is spying on us. Walking slowly behind us.

"What do you call it when Batman skips church?" Jeff ask as Kai rolled her eyes and sighed.

"What?" She asks back for the first time.

"Christian Bale." He starts to chuckle to himself.

"Dono yō ni aware." Jeff already known what that means because whenever Jeff shows up in front of Kai's room to impress her she says that. And she says that a lot. Jeff had to get a translator once, and that was my mask!

"What's wrong, babe?"

"Don't call me that!" Kai whisper-yelled as she tried to hold in her anger.

"But why?" He whined as he asked.

"Watashi wa anata o sukide wanaito watashi wa sonoyōni iji shitaidesu. Ima watashitoisshoni-ijiri o teishi!" She yelled.

"What does that mean?" Jeff asked as Kai groaned. I knew she'd wish to stop speaking Japanese whenever she's pissed off.

"Search it up on google fucking translate." Her Australian accent gotten thicker as well as the air.

"Why don't you love me?" Jeff asked. I felt Symphony's anger and that was it. She was totally blown. Symphony stomped here and towered over Kai only a few centimeters taller.

"Why do you have to ruin my life?!" Symphony screamed.

"What are you talking about?"

"You seriously do not remember me?" She croaked as her eyes turned black with blood running down from them. Kai shook her head. "In third grade you put my fucking boyfriend in the hospital-"

"L-Lily?" Kai cut her off but she continued to talk.

"But Satan told you to meet Chrissie and follow her here, that's when you killed Marcus!" She yelled. "Now you took the only guy-I actually like out of this bunch- from me!"

"I don't even like him!"

"Oh sure! You ruined my fucking life Kaimayda Adelaide Chanowi!"

"How the fuck do you know my middle name?" I heard her ask under her breath.

"I know you hated Marcus but you didn't have to put him in the hospital and kill him 4 years after!" Kai's eyes turned yellow and orange then tried to throw a fireball at her but it dissolved in the air right in front of Symphony's body.

"Why didn't it work?"

"Ever heard of force shield?!" Soon enough Kai started choke.

"Symphony stop!" Jeff yelled.

"Why should I?!" She yelled while in tears-well blood.

"You don't need to do this!"

"God, you sound like some superhero trying to save someone committing suicide."

"Stop! Just please!" Jeff pleaded as Symphony gave him one last glare before Kai went flying towards a tree but I caught her before she hit. Kai looked at me, coughing, giving me a look, as if she was asking; 'are you that way?'

"Again, I'm no lesbo." She chuckled before coughing again. I looked at Symphony and Jeff- they were kissing. I walked by saying, "Eww, but I'm still happy for you."


Soon enough we were both at the mansion. I was sitting on the couch with L.J., Dark, and Kai. We were just sitting there in silence.

"I wonder what Symphony and Jeff is doing." L.J. wondered.

"Probably some... things." I whispered the last part as Kai chuckled.

"What?" L.J. asked.

"Thhhhiiiinnnngggsss." I expanded the word slowly.

"Oooohhhh." L.J. said before laughing. Soon after Symphony came down the stairs all sweaty and stuff.

"God, Symphony what did you do?" Dark asked as he held in his laughter. Symphony rolled her eyes and looked over at Kai staring at the wall.

"What are you guys talking about? I heard L.J. laughing." Symphony asked. as me, Dark, and L.J. held in laughs. "What so funny?" She asked.

"W-why is your hair messed up?" I asked.

"Why isn't you wearing your belt anymore?" L.J. asked.

"And why do I heard sounds from upstairs?" Dark asked before Symphony blushed. She looked over at Kai to see her still staring at the wall. She's been staring at the wall since we came back home. She looked over at me. 'Is she jealous, or sad, or anything like that?' Symphony asked me through my mind a shook me head before she nodded curtly and ran back upstairs.

"What was all that awkward silence about? Hmm?" L.J. asked me as I shrugged.

"Why you looking at me like I know?" I asked him as he shrugged. I actually did know. 'Hey, Chrissie, follow me upstairs.' I heard Kai's voice in my mind. She was already heading up the stairs. I followed her to her room anyways. "Why you telling me to follow you to your room?" I asked her.

"Is Symphony really that mad?" She asked as I shrugged.

"Well you did kill her ex."

"How is she going to actually know that I like Jeff?"

"Wait you do?"

"Hell no!" She almost yelled. "I know he likes me. He does everything he can to impress me. But look where that got him."

"Back with Symphony?" I asked.

"Yep." Soon enough there was a knock on the door.

"If it's Jeff just slam the door in his face." I nodded as I opened the door to Jeff. I slammed the door but his foot was in the way.

"Let me in." Jeff grunted.

"Nope." I popped the 'p' as he sighed and took his foot from in between the door and the wall.

"I just wanted to say sorry."

"Whatever!" Kai yelled before I heard footsteps walk away.

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