{30} "Sorry, senpai"

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"Awe come on!" I yelled as Link showed up on the screen.

"Ha, I win again." BEN slightly cheered. I sighed. "It's not my fault you suck at Super Smash Bros."

"I'm gonna go now." I said as I got up and left the room. I headed towards Chrissie's and Symphony's room, hearing a guitar as I got closer to their door. I opened the door to see Chrissie and Liu on her bed while Chrissie played the guitar. I coughed to get their attention.

"Sup, Jeffrey." She greeted as I rolled my eyes. I need to get used to that.

"So watcha doing?" I asked slightly curious and mostly jealous. Why doesn't me and Chrissie hang out like we used to?

"I'm teaching Liu how to play guitar." She answered.

"I don't get it still, I think I should leave." Liu said before getting up and heading towards the door, brushing past me as he left.

"So, um, we haven't hung out in a while."

"Yea, I know." She shifted in her spot on her bed.

"So, do you want to go out killing or something?" I asked.

"If you're asking me out on a date then it's a no." She said.

"No,no, I just wanted to hang out, not as a date though." She nodded. " So is that a yes?"

"Yea, when?" She asked.

"Tomorrow, in the morning. 'Cause that's when people are sleepy and they don't know what's going on." She chuckled.


**Black Magic**

"I'll tell you the plan when I wake you up." Jeff said.

"Um, don't be drunk because we know what happened when you did that." He chuckled.

"Alright." And with that he left my room. I began to play my guitar to the cords of 'Tomorrow Never Dies' by 5 Seconds of Summer. Soon enough, Symphony walked in. She never did mind that I liked to play my guitar, she actually like it.

"Is that 5 Seconds of Summer?" She asked me as I nodded my head. She smiled as she sat down on her bed, listening to me play, as she quietly hummed the song with the guitar.

"Get the hell off of me!" I heard Jeff scream. Me and Symphony immediately ran out of our room to see Jessica and Jeff at the end of the hall. Jessica was on top of Jeff.

"Eh, you can have him." Symphony said as she walked away.

"Lily!" I yelled.

"Don't fucking call me that!" She yelled as she slammed the door behind her.

"Get off of him you slut!" I ran towards her but she grabbed my neck with her long ass tail.

"You're not going to ruin my plans!" She yelled.

"If you want to have sex, use BEN, it's not like we're gonna die or get STD's, we're dead!"

"Wait what?!" Jeff yelled.

"You've been here for like, 5 hours, and you're already starting beef!"

"But I want Jeffrey!" She whined as Jeff growled. Than you leave me no choice.  I grabbed my hatchet and sliced her tail in half, dropping me and the other half of her tail. She screamed into Jeff's face. I kicked her off of Jeff and pulled him up by his hand and we both ran. Jessica got up quickly and followed us by flying on her wings. We ran out down the stairs and out of the mansion. She followed us into the middle of the woods when we bumped into Kai.

"You can have Liu, not me!" Jeff yelled

"Is he as cute as you?" Jessica asked.

"Well, no but-"

"Jeff!" I snapped as Jeff sighed.

"Um, yes?" He said as I mentally slapped my forehead.

"I've seen him and he hasn't done anything to his face like you did." She whined.

"What the fuck?" I heard Kai mutter under her breath.

"Well, I've done something to his face! I gave him stitches!" Jeff yelled.

"But he doesn't have a smile." Jessica whined again.

"Shut up! It's clear that Jeff doesn't want you!" Kai yelled.

"You don't know that!" She said as I groaned.

"Just throw a fireball at her." I said as Kai's eyes turned orange and yellow. Soon enough, Jessica was flown back by one of Kai's famous fireballs. She got up and jumped on me as she kept scratching me with her long ass nails while I kept throwing punches at her. Kai threw a fireball at her but she missed.

"Guys stop!" Jeff yelled as he tried to pull Jessica off of me but she resisted.

"Jeff, watch out!" Kai yelled before Jessica was flown  away by Kai's fireball.

"What's going on here?!" Slenderp's voice boomed as he shocked all of us. If he had a face, he'd be looking really mad.

"Jessica's trying to give Jeff STD's!" I yelled.

"Wait what?!" Jeff screeched. Slendy sighed.

"I knew this would happen, after all she's a succubus." Slendy muttered.

"Jess, you're hot and all but.... YOU'RE SO FUCKING CRAZY AND YOU'LL GIVE ME FUCKING STD'S!!!" Jeff screamed.

"Sorry, senpai."

"WHAT THE FUCK?! SENPAI!?" Kai yelled as we both started to crack up.

"Shut up!" Jess said as she blushed.

"Or else what?" I asked

"I'll choke you both with my tail!" She growled.

"Dude, I chopped your tail in half not even 20 minutes ago." I said as she looked at her tail and screamed. Then she started to cry.

"You big baby, it's just a tail." I muttered.

"But it's my tail! And it wont come back till after a week!"

"Just wait a week then." Kai said.

"I can't wait!" She whined before crying. Slenderp picked her up and carried her into the mansion and probably into his office.

"Little, big tittied brat." Jeff muttered under his breath before I chuckled.

"She seems, bipolar." Kai said as I nodded. "So, who wants to come to my bonfire?"

"Bonfire?" I asked.

"Yes, a bonfire." She answered.

"Sure." Jeff said as we followed Kai further into the woods. I can tell we were there thanks to the numerous dead bodies hanging everywhere. "Damn, Kai, were you mad?"

"No." Kai said nervously as she scratched that back of her neck. "I got a little carried away."

"'A little'? More like a lot! There is like three dozens of dead people here! Not even including the people already burned!" I yelled with surprise.

"Do you want a bonfire or nah?"

"Yes please." Jeff and I said in unison. Kai's eyes turned orange and yellow again before there was fire on both of her hands.

"Chrissie, would you pour that gallon of gasoline on the pile of dead people?" Kai asked  me.

"Yep." I said as I grabbed the container and poured it all over the dead bodies. "For some reason I like the smell of gasoline." Kai nodded before said put her hands on a spot with loads of gasoline. ONe second later, the whole pile was on fire.

"Wow." Jeff said.

"I know right." I said.

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