{37} Chrissie hell

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"BEN I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" I heard Kai scream. I groaned as I opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the light, but failed. I covered my eyes and opened them, removing my hand so I can adjust to the light easier. I sat up to see that I was in BEN's bed, but with no BEN in it. "GIVE IT BACK!!" I heard her scream again as I heard BEN laughed. I walked towards the door to see Kai chasing him, while he had a black lacy bra in his hands.

"What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath. Just about as BEN was about to pass me, I stood in front of him. He bumped into me and fell onto the floor.

"What's happening?" I heard Jessica asked as she stood beside BEN. Haven't seen her in a while. {If u don't remember her, read chapter 30} Probably stayed with Slenderp while he reprogrammed her or whatever.

"Watashi no burajā o watashi ni kaeshite" Kai said as she held out her hand.

"What?" BEN asked confused.

"Chrissie, what happened to your mask?" Kai asked.

"I don't use it anymore. I'll have to ask those geeks to make me a translator." I said.

"What geeks?"

"The geeks who made my mask."

"They did a badass job." She mumbled. "But, whatever, give it back BEN." BEN sighed as he took the lacy black bra from behind his back. I watched as Jessica slowly blushed.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU STEAL THAT? YOU PERV!" Jessica yelled as BEN began to blush to. "What are you waiting for?! You obviously have a reason!" Jessica yelled like 4 volumes softer.

"Well, I was gonna... get Kai a new bra." BEN said as Kai snatched the bra from his hand.

"Now why would I need a new one?" Kai asked.

"'Cause that one's worn out, and that's the only bra you have." And with that Kai slapped him so hard, that I heard it echo. After that she walked away before turning back.

"Hentai" She muttered before walking away again.

"Um, did she just say anime porn?" BEN asked as he rubbed his incredibly red cheek.

"No, it means 'pervert' in Japanese." Jessica said before walking away. When she was gone I began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" BEN asked me.

"Because, it's fun to see you fail epicly, especially when I just woke up." BEN rolled his eyes. He got up and hugged me. I felt my cheeks burn like, 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

"I love you." BEN said as my eyes grew a bit wider. "As a sister. Oh my gosh."

"Um, ok.... I'm just gonna go downstairs now." I said as I got out of the hug and went downstairs into the kitchen to see Alice making one of her famous flesh sandwiches. The sight made my mouth water. I don't know why, I never even tried a flesh sandwich, but it looks so delicious. I shook my head and went to the fridge to get a kidney.

"Oh hey Chrissie!" I heard Alice's voice say as I turned back around to see her eat her sandwich. My mouth began to water. "Um, I have some extra flesh from that Tyler guy. You should try it, it's delicious."

"Gosh, stop trying to make me make a river of my saliva. Give me some of that flesh." I said as I closed the freezer door as she gave me a few scraps of flesh.

"Enjoy~" She said before leaving the kitchen. I sighed as I ate some of the flesh. It tasted like Chrissie hell. 

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