{Author's Note}

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So, like 5 minutes ago, I looked over the story's demographics to see what's going on so far. And the age pie chart is into three equal parts; 33% of people reading is older than 45 years, damn. They're pretty old to be reading Creepypasta shit XD. 33% is 18-25 years, than the other 33% is 13-18 years old. Now on the gender pie chart, 66% is Female. And the other 34%  are private. So I guess some transgenders (No offence) and boys have been reading this. I didn't really no that boys was on Wattpad. Like, almost all of the girls have came here for dirty fanfics and shit and then I see that 34% of this book's readers are private genders. So now I know that some boys are on Wattpad.

I have an assignment for you guys, please comment your gender. I need to know ya'll genders. 'Cause this is seriously blowing my mind.

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