{18} "Put me in a coffin"

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**Black Magic**

Jeff and I stood in front of Jane's body, just staring at it. "Hey, Jeff, give me a stick or at least your knife."

"Why?" He asked.

"I want to poke it."

"Childish." Slenderp said behind us. "Why would you want to poke her?"

"'Cause. Hey Jeff, wanna rap battle?" I asked Jeff, completely changing the subject.

"Eh, sure. You start." Soon enough everyone was staring at us as I thought of a badass rap verse.

"Alright, I got it." Jeff chuckled before I took a deep breath "To, whoever fights back, I'll be here,I'm just waiting for a volunteer,a queer,a seer, whoever it is, prepare to have fear,Cause when I'm done with you its just another souvenir,If you still wanna go, i'll put in gear, Now don't shed a tear, its OK, many down syndrome asses like you, cant manage this play,its only for the real mc's not the gay, wheres your fucking audience? They left cause you got slayed, as I end my rap, I showed you whose the queen, life, I'm better then you in everything, guess what you loose, now please go hang yourself with a string." Soon enough the whole room was silent.

"DAAAYYYUUUMMM girl!" Symphony yelled in shock as BEN clapped his hands slowly and the rest just stared at me like I'm the boss. LIKE A BOSS.

"Your turn dude." I said as I urged Jeff to say something.

"This dude  thinks she's all the shit, Guess she forgot to look in the mirror to realize she's just a little bitch, Y'all cant be messing with me and my elite vocabulary, As for you, go back to school and learn your ABC's, I'm a hot streak on fire, you're a boring wannabe liar, People tired of your newbie rhymes and diss, Whenever you speak everyone goes to take a piss, Whenever I open my mouth the world listens, So don't be a hater, don't be dissing, Go back to your home kid, and take a rest, 'Cause messing with me, you're messing with the best" Once again everyone was silent. "You get the last rap verse." He says before anyone said anything.

"There once was a ignorant little dip shit called Jeff, He went to kindergarten at the age of 10, He fucking had the brains of a seamen, He once tried to rap, wanna know what happened then? He got fucking bashed by me at Slender Mansion, and never came back again, Anyone see the resemblance of a hen? He tried to come back once, twice, thrice, I smoke kids like him like I throw dice, For this guy I used the same tools needed to pick on mice, All i need is the iron mic, When little Jeff was born all the doctor could say was 'PSYCHE'!"

"Bruh." Dark Link said before falling back onto the couch. Once again BEN was clapping slowly and so was L.J.

"Put me in a coffin." Symphony said. "Looks like you lost Jeff." Soon enough E.J. was laughing hard.

"Ya got beat by a girl!" E.J. yelled as I chuckled.

"Aye, no hard feelings breh." I stuck out my hand for him to shake it, which he did, before I went upstairs to my room.

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