{32} "One of my favorites"

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**Black Magic**

"Why the hell is there a human in Laughing Jack's arms?!" Slenderp asked as he hollered.

"Don't cuss, it's sounds like an ancient man trying to get swag but failed epically." I said as L.J. tried to hold in his laughs.

"You didn't answer me question." Slenderp reminded us as he tried to ignored the fact that I just fried him like fried chicken. {Idek that just popped up in my mind XD}

"Oh, well, we saved her from the cops 'cause she killed a person-"

"She seriously cut the person into six fuckin' pieces!" I interrupted L.J. as he just gave me a death glare. "Continue."

"So we thought she was one of us and we lead her here." He finished as I clapped like it was the ending of a story or whatever. And there goes another death glare from Jack. I stopped clapping immediately.

"Give her to me." Slendy demanded as Jack gave her to the tall, skinny, no-face ass- I'm not even gonna finish that sentence 'cause I just know that Slender is reading my mind. "By the way, we have a new creepypasta. I think she's in the kitchen making a sandwich or something. Go introduce yourselves." And before we could even reply, he teleported out of our faces. I looked at L.J. as he just shrugged and led me to the kitchen, where we found a tall, skinny blonde at the counter.

"Well, hello there! I see your already making yourself at home!" I said excitedly as she jumped a little before turning around to face us. She was soooo pretty, well, I bet without all the blood on her face.

"Hiya!" She exclaimed, also excitedly.

"So what kind of sandwich your making?" L.J. asked as she smirked.

"A flesh sandwich. Human flesh in between two slices of white bread!" I drooled over how she said it. I think I might wanna try some.

"Oh! Another cannibal like me and E.J.! Soooo, when did you start killing?" I asked.

"Ever since my, ever so favorite, cousins died." She said as she sighed. "I always hope they were alive and I would go out killing to find them but, I've lost hope. But I kept killing afterwards. I've always had a thirst for blood." She licked her lips before grabbing her sandwich and taking a huge bite out of it. "And human flesh." She smiled.

"Soooo, who're cousins?" I asked as I looked at L.J., hoping he was one of her cousins, but he shook his head.

"Jeffery and Liu Woods. They're brothers if you're wondering." My eyes widened.

"Let me talk to my acquaintance real quick." I said as I technically dragged L.J. out of the kitchen. "Should I tell her that Liu and his sometimes idiotic brother is here?" I asked him.

"Let's just let her find out on her-"

"Wait! Jeffy and Liuy are here!?" She squealed. "Oh and by the way I have super hearing. So are they here or are you guys just messing with me!?" She squealed again as I face palmed myself. She smiled wider as she pushed me and L.J. out of the kitchen. "JEFFYYYYY!!!!" She squealed as she ran up the stairs with us following her.

"WHO THE HELL IS CALLING ME THAT!" Jeff showed up at the top of the stairs. He made a big mistake. In a matter of seconds the blonde has tripped at the second to last stair and fell on Jeff, making him fall too.

"Shit's 'bout to go down." I mumbled under my breath.

"Alice?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" Jeff asked as she groaned.

"Jeffery, is that really you?" She asked as he cringed a little.

"Ummm, yea and why are you here!?"

"Lucifer brought me!" She said as he chuckled. "By the way, my new name is Chucky." Jeff smirked.

"Asking Satan to bring her to me and Liu again?"

"So that's why he brought me here?" He nodded. "Where's Liu?"

"Go look for a blue door and that's his room." Jeff answered as she gasped and got off of him and started to run, finding his room.


"Um, so that's one of your cousins?" I asked Jeff as he chuckled.

"One of my favorites." Jeff said as he walked away, probably to Liu's room.

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