Luna vs Alcatraz

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Alcatraz would walk into a room loading a plasma rifle as he checked his wrist gauntlet.

"Alright. Let's make this quick. I have places to be and cures to make," Alcatraz said. "Though I'm pretty sure most of.....that," Alcatraz gestures to Luna. "Is you and not the virus manipulating you?"

Luna steps forward, flexing her metal claws as she looks up at Alcatraz. "Wow, so you're going to act like the time we had together meant nothing?"

"Well, since your threat level is around the world ending and any chances of you getting my DNA or consuming me would be a death sentence, I would have to go with yes," Alcatraz said. "But if it makes you feel better, I will knock you out and drag you back to HQ. Find some way to trap you and heavily sedate you."

"Ah. Good luck with that." Luna would say as she causally rips her arm off, throwing it aside.

"....You," Alcatraz would say.

Luna proceeded to grow that arm back, good as new, as Alcatraz stared at her. Luna then right hook and left hook herself before slamming both fists into her cheeks and looking at Alcatraz.

"Well, you're going to be insanely difficult to knock out," Alcatraz said.

"Oh, coming from the alien stronger than nearly everyone else?" Luna asked.

"And what about the walking weapon who not only ripped her arm off and grew a new one but punched herself hard enough to spray blood and continue lien it's normal?" Alcatraz asked.

Luna rolled her eyes, and she moved first. Dashing to Alcatraz only to get clocked in the face immediately. Alcatraz slammed his shoulder into Luna before pointing the plasma rifle to her chest and opening fire.

A big hole appears as the plasma burns straight through her in an instant, eating away at the rest of her chest and her breast. Knowing she would heal from that, Alcatraz took the momentary distraction to cut off Luna's arms and kick her into a wall. Alcatraz aims at the arms on the ground, opening fire to burn them as Luna's arms grow back, and she tends a tendril to Alcatraz; he knocks it away as another wraps around his legs, and Luna throws him into a wall, then through another wall launching him out of the room.

"Jerk..." Luna mutters as the first plasma wound heals.

Alcatraz hits a light pole, bouncing off it and hitting a car before falling onto the street. Alcatraz looks up only to roll out of the way as a car slams down where he once lay. Alcatraz quod it stood up as Luna glided in, almost cutting him across the chest. Alcatraz brings his sword up and goes for a hit at her back, but she quickly turns around, the biomass shifting her right arm into a larger and metal fist, which connects, sending Alcatraz into a wall.

Alcatraz quickly pulled himself from the wall as a wave of tendrils rushed towards him; Alcatraz slammed his fist into the ground, creating a wall of ice, stopping all tendrils in their tracks. Alcatraz runs up the wall then kicks off, diving towards Luna, who dashed out the way quickly and rushed back in, delivering two punches, leaving small shockwaves from the force of the punches before reeling her arm back, turning it into metal and punching him in the face once again sending him into a wall. Alcatraz placed his leg against it and kicked off it, going into Luna and hitting her. Their fist collided, releasing a shockwave that rippled through the air, forcing the combatants back.

Alcatraz stares at Luna, a blank look on his face as his blue eyes glow in the night sky; Luna smirks at Alcatraz, her eyes shining with an ominous red hue as she morphs her limbs into bio-organic weapons, attempting to strike Alcatraz who ducks under her arm, punching her in the back twice, Luna turns to hit him, but once again who evaded with extraterrestrial still grace, elbowing her in the face, Luna stumbled back growling as she transformed her hands into razor sharp claws, aiming to carve through Alcatraz. Still, he caught her wrist, and spikes of eye erupted from his hands through her wrist.

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