Chapter 39 Be my Xeno

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Lincoln and Alcatraz were looking through the ship armor to see if anything was missing. A few guns and ammo wasn't founded in place. Ammo was all over the floor. Used and not used.

Lincoln: Whatever they were fighting didn't lose any blood. Nor is their human blood.

Alcatraz: Whatever fought them took them out quickly and quietly.

Lincoln: maybe ninjas?

Alcatraz: In space?

Lincoln: Space ninjas?

Alcatraz:...Yeah, imma let you think about what's wrong with what you're saying.

Luan and Lori made it to the ship deck and they looked around seeing no one. Besides a few painted eggs and weapons on the floor. There was a dead body on the ground with a hole in the chest and bullet wound in the head and a pistol eight feet away from the body while Luan snickers.

Luan: maybe the Easter bunny did it?

Lori chuckled looking at Luan.

Lori: sure. Good old Tyron the Easter bunny busting a cap in someone ass after they touch his Easter eggs.

Luan: Yeah, Anyways let's check the recording.

As they check the recording they see everything was fine but five soldiers were sick and went to the med bay. Then left and did their normal things. Until one by one, they fell over and nearby personal tried to help but then they heard bones breaking and something pops from its chest. As everyone was shocked the things managed to leave the chest and skittered away.

Luan: graphic.

Lori: okay. So it's just five. Let's see how everything was a few days ahead.

As they went days ahead they saw black aliens come from vents and grab soldiers left and right. Some fired at the creatures only to miss. Until one of them was killed and his body started to leak acid. As that happens more of those aliens appeared until the camera fee turn off.

Lori: I beat those five aliens caused this to happen to the ship.

Luan: should we warn the others.

Lori turns to Luna as the cameras in the rooms that had, Luna and Sam, Ronnie Anne and Lynn, the twins and then Alcatraz were all shown but in different sectors and areas.

Lori: I'm sure they could handle this. We're well trained(As she said that a few xenomorphs come from the shadows of Luna and Sam room and they leap towards them. As they tried to fight them off Luna cut one of them in the stomach and his blood splattered against the wall and melted it. Luna told Sam to not fight them close quarters but they were quickly dragged away)

Luan: what if they are close quarters and can't do anything.

Lori: I'm sure the acid won't burn them(A xenomorph grabbed Lana and dragged her out the room quickly and when Lola turn she see a xenomorph and phase through him grabbing her pistol shooting at it rapidly, as it died she heard hisses and she phased through the wall running) besides it's their easy to kill aliens for us.

Soon a shadow was cast in Alcatraz and Lincoln room.

Alcatraz was looking at the camera in the room trying to get it up and running with Lincoln using his power to weld the wires together. But Alcatraz stops and he hears something behind them.

Alcatraz: Lincoln.....don't move. A muscle.

They heard hissing behind them as something slowly stands up, Lincoln and Alcatraz slowly turn their head to see a female, humanoid xenomorph and its name is.

Lincoln: Stella!?

Stella roars at them and swings her and they both dodged.

Alcatraz: don't worry Lincoln I'll take on the short litt-(Stella stood straight up standing taller than Lincoln and Alcatraz) well don't that beat all.

She swings her hand again knocking Alcatraz to the wall and Lincoln looks at her. She charged to him throwing a punch and he dodged and she throws another one and he leaps over her fist kicking her in the face not wanting to hurt her. She shakes her head and roars at Lincoln and she charged to him. As he dodged her tail wraps around his legs and he was slammed on the ground repeatedly before being through a wall. As she breaks a bigger hole through and walks to him Alcatraz ran up behind her with his sword and Lincoln looks at him.

Lincoln: Alcatraz don't!

Stella turns and stabbed Alcatraz through the stomach with her tail and she raised him in the air and she tosses him aside. Lincoln tried kicking her but she grabs his leg breaking it and she lifts him up by the broken leg slamming him into the ground. As he hit the ground she grabbed his head and she walks to Alcatraz wrapping her tail around his neck choking him but not enough to actually kill him but knock him out and she dragged them somewhere.

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