Chapter 10 Ronnie anne Insanity/ ultimate predator attacks.

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Lincoln: Ronnie Anne!

Alcatraz: They can do that to people!

Lynn: we can't hurt her.

As everyone else was forced to watch from a TV monitor the scientist in the lab was using computers to try and get Ronnie Anne to attack them while Alex stood over watching everything.

Alex: that's...that's an Ascetic or something like that, he's a cousin to the human race. I remember him from somewhere.

Scientist 1: sir they won't attack her. What should we do?

Alex: order her to attack them then.

As they start to type on the computer she hisses and she leaps to Alcatraz first swinging her claws to him, he dodged each attack but she side hits him with her tail making him fall. He jumps up and he then rushed to her to try and restrain her.

Lincoln: don't hurt her!

Alcatraz: I won't!

She swings her arm but he gets it and he grabbed her other arm and her tail keeping her restrained.

Alcatraz: knock her out or something!

Before Lincoln and Lynn could attack she managed to twist her body and she hits him across the face, as he held his now bleeding cheeks she leaps onto him and she started to scratch his face with her sharp claws.

Lincoln: don't hurt her!


As she stopped Alcatraz kicked her in the stomach and he grabbed her legs slamming her into the ground.

Lincoln: Alcatraz!

Alcatraz: we'll help her later!

As he takes out one of his guns he aimed to her and he pulled the trigger but she slaps to gun towards Lynn who barely dodged the ball of plasma, as she landed the blast pushed her and Lincoln back giving Ronnie Anne the chance of grabbing Alcatraz by his arm to pull him toward her, she started to punch him in his side and as he tried to punch him she dodged grabbing his fist and she started to punch and kick him in the back then she knees his side and she uppercuts him.

Lincoln: damn.

Lynn: she's kicking his ass.

Alcatraz: you try fighting a faster target that's a friend and we don't want to kill.

Alcatraz punched her in the chest sending her into a wall, as she tried to get out Alcatraz shoulder-charged into the wall, as he grabbed her neck he lifts her up but she punched him in the throat then as he stumbled back she down kicked him and she grabbed him and she falls back slamming his head into the ground.

Lincoln: at this point, I think we should find a way out of here.

Lynn: think she remembers you?

Lincoln: Nah.

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln....(she hissed looking at him and then she got angry) where were you!

Lincoln: Alcatraz, Alcatraz! I need help!

Alcatraz tried to get up but she wraps a tail around his neck and she lifts him up and she slammed him into the ground and she tossed him into a wall. Ronnie Anne walked to Lincoln and that's when Lynn rushed to her but she just backhand slap her into the wall with ease. As she leaps to Lincoln Alcatraz grabbed her and she pulled her back raising his hand and he punched her in the chest.

As Luna was watching her comms went off and she turns it on and to her surprise, it was their leader.

????: Luna come in, Luna.

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