Throw away: The xeno baby

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Alcatraz walked up to the house that they had placed in a canyon but he just saw Lynn, Lola, Lana, and luan standing outside and they heard the groans of Lincoln from inside.

Alcatraz: Lynn, what the hell is going on?

Lynn: I dunno. Lincoln was fine and the next thing you know he's just groaning in pain and agony.

Lana: He threw up near me.

Alcatraz: Okay, so have you tried to ask him why is he doing that?

Lynn: I did but he almost ripped my head off.

Lana: He then ate my food...

Alcatraz: (sarcastically) yeah I'm sure Lincoln could rip your head off. I'm glad that you're alive.

Lynn: Don't be a dick.

Alcatraz: Fine, so can one of you go in there and see what's wrong?

Lana: And he threw that up as well...

Luan: I don't want to go in there. What he got could be contagious.

Alcatraz: Aren't y'all immune to all known diseases?

Luan: This could be an alien sickness.

Lola: It could've come from you for all we know.

Alcatraz: Oh yeah? Well if so why didn't Luna get sick and why isn't Nicole getting sick?

Luan: Huh?

Alcatraz: Whatever. Okay. Maybe I can check to see if he's okay. But what if we could get someone expendable. Someone who we care about but it won't be a huge loss.

He and luan then smirk.

Lynn: Oh please no.

French narrator: Twenty minutes later

Sid: Hey guys!

Lynn, Lola, and Lana: (monotone) Hi Sid.

Alcatraz: Sid we need a favor. We need you to see what's up with Lincoln.

Sid: Okay. So. Can you tell me anything about his sickness so I could know what I'm looking for?

Alcatraz: Uh. You see I don't know. I haven't gone in there.

Sid: Why is that.

Alcatraz: Well I just got here and once I called you. It didn't seem like I needed to go in there.

Sid:...But shouldn't you have anyways so I could know what I'm dealing with?

Alcatraz: Of course not you got this. (he pushed her inside and he shuts the door) So...(he look at the loud sisters) wanna go get something to eat?

Lynn: I'm down.

Ronnie Anne and Nicole walked up behind them and Nicole raises an eyebrow.

Nicole: Why is everyone outside?

Alcatraz: Well, they said that Lincoln was sick or something.

Nicole: Care to explain more?

Alcatraz: Oh so I came back from doing me things and I saw them outside. Once I came up to them they told me about Lincoln and said he's been groaning in agony and they think he's sick. They don't want to go in from fear that they might get what he has and they believe that my race must be the cause.

Nicole: And you didn't go in because?

Alcatraz: Hey I didn't get hook up with that serum they got. Sure my race aging is a joke but I'm not going in there to get sick. I got a long, long, long, long, long life to attend to.

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