Chapter 12 Upgraded day of training

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The loud along with Alcatraz and Ronnie Anne walked inside of the lab where they founded some guy walking around trying to get things organized and then he has seen them.

???: ah team loud and three new arrivals, another loud and two, well a xenomorph human hybrid and a.

Alcatraz: a group of humans who wasn't in earth solar system but we got more advanced.

???: fascinating, well I'm Jax and I'll be helping you all today.

Lynn: with what?

Jax: new equipment for you and new powers for some. Lana, your powers could stay, same with Lola and luan. Lynn yours is here now and Luna yours will be changing.

Luna: why?

Jax: sonic screams won't be effective to all, we think it should be used as a grenade only. So we make grenades with sonic screams and well be giving up a prototype virus that acts as a Power. Only three people have it.

Luna: Okay.

Lynn: is mines strength!

Jax: Heavens no.

Lynn: Huh.

Jax: Lynn, you suppose that you're strong, but you have more broncs than brains. You don't fight smart. When you have your weapon you try to outshoot them or when they have no weapons and you don't, you just beat them down. If then have stunsticks you the hits and use your enhanced durability to sustain it so you can beat them all.

Then two scientists stick Lynn with something in her arm.

Jax: we call it limits breaker. Instead of testing your strength we boosted your senses and your logic to make more rational decisions.

Lynn: how will I test it?

Jax: that's why I call Ronnie Anne and Alcatraz here. They will test you all.

Then Alcatraz walked forward pressing a button on his wristwatch and like that a door opens where a training course was set up. It was like a small base and Lynn was walking through it getting ready to train.

Jax: you heightened eyesight in the dark can't always rely on. What if it was to get darker.

Then as she heard a hiss in the dark the power was cut. As it was the whole building was now pit black but Lynn could make out a few things but like someone in a poorly lit room. As she walks around she held her assault rifle in hand. As she was walking she heard laughing and she turns shooting as Alcatraz ran from one side of the hallway to another. He passed crates and more as he made it to the other end and then Ronnie Anne leaps on her back pinning her to the ground. As Lynn kicks her off Alcatraz's shoulder-mounted plasma cannon fired at her but she jumps out of the way making it hit the ground. As she loads her gun and she turns to Alcatraz a long and sharp knife was thrown into its side and then Alcatraz grabbed the gun uppercutting her. As she tried to punch him he dodged it hitting her elbow and as she tried to kick him he grabbed her leg striking her extended limb and he knees her in the face. Ronnie Anne then grabbed her punching her in the face and as she turns they were gone. She takes her pistol out and she speed walked through the building. She heard footsteps and clanking then above her Ronnie Anne was crawling looking at her. She just laughed like some crazy yandere girl after her boyfriend asked if she killed his friend. Lynn slowly turns around and she was pounced on.

Ronnie Anne: can't see in the dark!

Lynn heads butt Ronnie Anne until she was stun but to her surprise Ronnie Anne faked it and she heads butt Lynn one time to stun her and making her nose bleed. As she lays their Alcatraz walks to her and he lifts her legs and he slammed her into the ground multiple times and he threw her into some stack crates.

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