Chapter 70: Not the end, just the start.

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Alcatraz watched as everything around him just disappeared around him but the louds came back. Along with Ronnie Anne, Sid, Sam....even the other louds who were around but evil.

Rev 9: What the hell?

Luna: What's going on?

Alcatraz: I destroyed space and time. Seems like everything is about to reset.

Luna:......Really? Wait. Alcatraz.

Alcatraz: Hey, also you don't have to explain yourself about what happened. I forgive you, Luna. I'm upset that this is our end and we can't do anything. But I wanted you to know that I forgive you. It wasn't your fault.

Luna looked at him with a smile as she tried to hold back tears. She hugged him and kissed him.

Lincoln looked at Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln: Well I'm sorry. That we weren't really together because of your mental state and things. But I guess it's been fun with what we had.

Ronnie Anne chuckled.

Ronnie Anne: Same. See you on the other side lame-o.

Alcatraz: Well we aren't dying. Everything will reset. It might play out like it was supposed to play out.

Lori: So everything we did might not happen again?

Alcatraz: oh it will. Maybe in different orders or different ways. What we did won't disappear. It'll just happen in the way it was supposed to. What Hagain changed would be undone. I wished there was another way.

Lincoln: So this is our end? Really?

Lynn: Seems likes a let down that we just died like this and new us will take our place.

Alcatraz: No. it won't work like that. Maybe our new selves might have a semblance of a memory that's here or something.

They saw a blue ball start to spin around in the center of them and they just looked at each other.

Alcatraz: Besides. It's not the end. It's just the beginning.

Then that's when a flash of light engulfing them and everything was back to normal. Or it seems that way. That's when a voice was heard in the darkness.

??????: That was fun. Didn't expect him to do that. I had to reset everything. But I can't let what they did get out of hand like that. Anyways. Let's do this again. Let there be light.

Billions of Years later

Lincoln loud was just sitting in his room thinking, upset, thinking about past situations with his family, mostly his sisters, he just recently got into an argument with him falling down the stairs because luan tripped him and he destroyed Luna guitar which was just sitting on the stairs, while arguing with him he brought up the point that luan tripped him and the guitar shouldn't have been there but the rest of the sisters got involved blaming Lincoln, even luan did and she the one that caused the fall. Locking himself in his room Lincoln just sat there feeling alone and his parents didn't even have his back and after luan and Luna told them the truth they still got mad and Lincoln and took away his comic and game system. It didn't help that most of his sisters or well. Some of them were apart of some agency programs. Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan alone with Rita. Because those four are with them doing that they are seen as the price siblings and once again make Lincoln the one at the bottom of the barrel of who's the favorite. It wasn't really new to him but he was planning something. He was getting an idea but that's when a note slide under his door and he read it.

"Hey, son. I'm sorry for what they are doing to you and I tried to help the problem. But I got an idea. Go to Clyde's house. Stay there for a while. Make them think you ran away and I'll figure out dork here elsewhere you could stay. Once they miss you enough to change you'll come back." Signed Dad.

Lincoln:.....Hmm. That court work.

(Hey everyone. I hope y'all enjoyed the ending. Now everything will continue in the remastered story. Everything have came to an end and everything that's messed up will be fix in the remastered addition.

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