Chapter 19 The heist part 1

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After everyone equipment training they all meant inside of the debriefing room. All the know agents. Spongebob, Patrick, Wyoming, Mete, the louds, Ronnie Anne, and Alcatraz.

Director: today, we have two new A.I, the very first of is the creation and we founded a perfect match for them. Luna and Lincoln step up.

As they both stepped forward two chips were handed to them. As they looked at it they were instructed to put it up to the back of their heads and once they did the chip drilled into the back of their head until it stops halfway in.

Director: Okay, Luna gives us the mission plans.

Luna: Okay, we're attacking a city where balrog men are plentiful, they have some U.N.S.C allies in the city as well these targets are marked as rebels towards the U.N.S.C and their working off the grid. The building we're attacking is a one hundred and fifty story building.

Wyoming: what do security look like?

Luna: they have enough to fill up a one hundred and fifty security building.

Wyoming: oh.

Luna: they might have some predator Allies, but we're looking for a box.

As she gave them the height and width and after telling them that they don't know what's in their Lynn turns to the director.

Lynn: how do we know how big it is but we don't know what's inside?

The director glared at Lynn and she looks away from him.

Lynn: sorry sir.

Luna: well be split up into two teams. Lincoln, SpongeBob, Meta, Lana, Sam, Alcatraz and I will be one, while Lynn, luan, Lola, Patrick, Ronnie Anne, and Wyoming will be another.

Alcatraz: why do they have more?

Luna: two clicks away from the building is the vehicle depot alpha, once they blow it up most of the security will be split instead of all heading to us.

Alcatraz: seems smart.

Lynn: what about Lori?

Director: that's enough questions! Everyone head out before Balrog and his men move the package away.

On the planet.

Balrog walked by a few marines as the pelican lands on the top of the building, balrog walks out looking at Alex who meets him there.

Alex: Balrog hey.

Balrog: the creature is dead, care to explain?

Alex: see...a new agent killed it with one lucky blow to the head, an uppercut. matter, all you need to know is that their heading here. I sent out four new men to help assist you.

Then they walked out the pelican with armor on and helmets, they stood beside balrog and then another one with more stronger armor walked out with a flamethrower.

Balrog: this one will stay with you, the other three, I want you out and away from the building, you engage when they blow this building up, or if they get past you.

Alex: they won't. I have a predator clan leader here to deal with their alien friend if he comes.

Soon enough to Ospreys was flying over the city heading to the building, one of them broke off heading to the right while the main one flies above the building and they dropped off team one.

Luna: Lincoln, how are you at hacking?

Lincoln: not that great.

Luna: remember Lincoln.

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