Chapter 65: No such luck returns

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The group was moving all the dead or well offline terminator bodies up a hill where Alcatraz was destroying their heads or taking out the CPU so they won't turn on again. Sid was messing with some gun that one of the terminators has and Ronnie Anne walk up to her.

Ronnie Anne: Sid what is that?

Sid: One of the weapons from that odd-looking terminator type. Got to be majorly important or strong and now I'm trying to figure out how it works.

Lincoln drops a terminator body beside them.

Lincoln: Maybe you should. I dunno drop it. Chances are that you're going to hurt somebody with that gun. Or at the very least kill them.

Sid: Yeah right like I'll kill someone with this gun. I'm trying to figure out how to you know fire it.

Lola: Maybe try pulling the trigger.

Sid: Well I tried that and it isn't working.

Lincoln sighs and flips the safety off.

Lincoln: The safety was on. (he picked up the body again and walks to Alcatraz)

Ronnie Anne: Sid maybe you should really put that down.

Sid: Nonsense. This could be really effective against the Revenant squad.

Ronnie Anne: Revenant? That's the name you gave them?

Lincoln drops the body beside Alcatraz who turns to him.

Alcatraz: Lincoln your sword looks like mines but is most likely stronger. Can't you stab their heads?

Lincoln: Well I don't know what the CPU looks like.

Alcatraz: it's a clip with a dot on it. Finding it isn't that hard.

Lincoln: Eh you could do it.

He left the body with him and walk down the hill while Alcatraz sigh. Sid charged up the gun and a purple ball of plasma was at the muzzle.

Sid: Ha! It works!

Ronnie Anne: Sid maybe aim it at a few terminator bodies?

Sid: Oh fine.

She points it to a few behind them and they heard a voice.

S.H.V: Hello. Welcome to the m8m2 model five destroyer gun. Would you like the run the tutorial?

Sid: The gun got a voice?

Ronnie Anne: Apparently.

S.H.V: If you would want to lock the gun on a target then press the red button on the side too. Double click to give me locking and firing control.

Sid double clicks it twice and it locks onto the terminator corpse.

S.H.V: Target locked. (it fired towards them and it touched one of the body parts and caused a huge vortex and went off causing a large and huge explosion which quickly imploded ok itself. There was no crater but most the things in the area were gone.)

Sid: Oh cool!

Lola: Come on Sid stop fooling around.

Lana: Wait now hold on. This could help us destroy our bodies quicker.

Alcatraz: Hey! What are y'all doing!?

They turn to Alcatraz and Sid points the gun to Alcatraz and he raises his hand.

Alcatraz: Hey hold on. Hold on. I just want to ask what you're doing.

Sid: We got a gun to help destroy the bodies quicker.

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