Chapter 41 Stella vs Alcatraz

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Alcatraz breaks free from his restraints, same goes for restraints and so does Luna and Lincoln. As they were freed they broke everyone else restraints and looked around making sure no other Xenomorph was around.

Alcatraz: Okay. Lori, Lola, Lynn and Ronnie Anne is still out their so we need to find them.

They heard Stella roar and she enters the room with Lori in hand. She lets go of Lori and roars at them.

Lincoln: We found one of them.

Alcatraz: You go find everyone else. I'll fight Stella.

Lincoln: We didn't stand a chance against her.

Alcatraz: Because you didn't want me to hurt her.

Lincoln: Well still don't hurt her.

Alcatraz: No. I can hurt her. But I can't kill her. Now go.

Luna: Be careful.

They all run out of the room while Stella snarls at Alcatraz as she walks to him slowly. Alcatraz stood his ground and Stella starts to speed up charging to Alcatraz like a rhino. As she got closer Alcatraz dodged and she runs through a wall. Alcatraz takes out his plasma caster and he fired four rounds to her. One plasma ball hits her leg and she roars as the other hit her side, her back, and her shoulder. She turns to him charging at him again as he rapidly pulled the trigger of the weapon slowing her down. As she stumbles her way to him as he kept shooting. As she got closer she swings but he dodged and shot her under her arm and she screams in pain. He does it again and he punched her in the chest and aimed at her chest but as he pulled the trigger nothing happens. He looked at it seeing the gun was now recharging and Stella picked him up and she throws him across the room.

Alcatraz: There goes my best weapon(he gets up taking out his sword) so. Anything to say.

Stella: (salvage) Kill! You! (she charged to him as he smirks)

She swings her arm and him ducks getting a slash off of her. She swings her arm again and he slashed at her again and she swings her arm again and he stabbed her in her stomach but the blade didn't go in because of her armor. He pushes the sword deep into her stomach but she punched him straight in the face and he hits the wall again. As he slides down she grabbed his head and she slammed it against the wall as starts to punch his side and his stomach. She then grabbed onto his shoulder and she charged him through a few walls before she grabbed his head again and slammed him to the ground. She roars and grabs his leg slinging him across the room.

Alcatraz: Son of a bitch(he slowly gets up but she kicks him in the face and he hits a few crates)

Stella grabbed his leg lifting him up and she looked him in his eyes.

Stella: Any. Last....words?

Alcatraz: No. but I do have a physical response(she was about to bite his frontal lobe off but she stops and looks at her stomach seeing Alcatraz wrist blade in it)

She lets go of him and growl in anger and as Alcatraz gets up she punched him across the face. As he stumbles back she right hooks he and grabbed his arm as she starts punching him in the face and chest. She then punched him in the stomach and raised him to the roof all while her fist was still in his gut. She roars again and she punched him again causing him to make a dent in the roof and she stops as he falls down. She then roundhouses him making him hit the wall and she grabbed his legs and swung him around and she slammed him into a wall. She lets go of him only to stab him with her tail and lift him in the air as he screams.

She looks at him and roars but he grabbed a pistol and shot her. She flinches and she looks at him while her left cheek starts to bleed. She shakes her head and looked at him.

Stella: all you got?

Alcatraz: No.

She looks confused until she turns and sees that Alcatraz had shot a fuel cell that was surrounded by more fuel cells. She looks at him with a roar as all of them exploded. The flames engulf Stella as Alcatraz kicks himself off of her rolling into another room. As he gets up he closed the door as the flames hit the door and then he jumps to cover as the wave from the explosion breaks down the door.

As Lincoln was dragging Lori they hear an explosion and they turn to see smoke coming from where they once were.

Lincoln: Oh no.

Luna: At least he destroyed the hive.

They heard a roar and many Xenomorphs appear and rushed towards them.

Lana: Yeah. I think we need to find our ship and get out of here.

Luna: But first we have to find everyone else.

Lincoln takes out his pistol and starts shooting at the Xenomorph while lama supported him while they were walking into another room. As Lincoln drags Lori in they close the door only for lots of growls and hissing to be heard.

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