Chapter 18 Sibling crisis

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Inside the armory, things were being thrown around. As Alcatraz sat there he watched as Luna pick up the lincoln locker and throw it across the room. Currently, it was Lincoln and Alcatraz who was in there with her.

Luna: that's bullshit!

Alcatraz: your right.

Luna: she comes there and kills that thing with one mighty blow.

Lincoln: calm down Luna.

Luna: calm down! Calm down! No! I've been here longer than her and all she does is kill that creature and beat his pussy ass in a fight.


Luna: and know she replaces my spot as a leader!! (she kicks over a bench and then she turns only to face with Lori along with Lynn and Lana)

Lori: Hey sis, I came to tell you about your friend Sam but I see and hear you raging about my promotion.

Luna: you don't deserve it, Lori.

Lori: well my promotion shows it.

Before Luna attacks Lori Alcatraz grabbed her holding her back while Lincoln walks Infront of Lori.

Lincoln: Sorry Lori. What Luna means is that she isn't really mad.

Lynn: of course she's mad she lost her position. But I for one think Lori makes a great leader.

Lincoln: well I disagree with that accusation.

Lynn: spell accusation.

Lincoln: Huh.

Lana: I agree with Lincoln.

Lola: I for one side with Lori.

Luna: well I guess it's down for two meals instead of one.

Lincoln: oh God.

Luna: if you side with me stand over here.

Lincoln and Lana walk over to Luna side while Alcatraz just continued to hold her back while Lynn and Lola walk to Lori side along with Ronnie Anne walking knee there.

Lincoln: you two?

Luan: hey guys what going?

As she looks at the team division she just turns and walks away leaving the teams even.

Alcatraz: this is a sibling rivalry so I'm out of here. Let's go, Ronnie.

Luna and Lori: hold up.

Alcatraz: what?

Luna: you are part of the family, your my boyfriend so you're their brother in law.

Lori: Ronnie Anne you date Lincoln do you are sister in law.

Alcatraz: where not married and I think it's best if the siblings deal with it.

Ronnie Anne: I agree.

They both walk out of the locker room and that's when Luna growls at Lori and she walks away.

Lori: yeah I'm so immediately.

Lincoln: that's not how you use that in a sentence.

Luna: well try to show that I'm the better leader.

Lana: how so?

Luna: take as many missions as we can.

Lincoln: we have no upcoming mission yet.

Luna: yes we do. I'll tell you when we go.

As Luna walked away Lincoln turn to Lana.

Lincoln: do you think another division is great?

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