Chapter 4 training

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After Alcatraz fixed everything inside of the base he walked back to them, the place in which they call their training ground.

As Alcatraz joined them he places his helmet beside to wait for them to start the training and listen to what Luna had to say.

Luna: Okay, so I'll fight Luna, Lynn will fight Lincoln and the twins will fight each other, each one who wins their fight will have to go up against Alcatraz.

Lola: that don't seem remotely fair.

Luna: Fine, Alcatraz what do you suggest?

Alcatraz: sewing that you five joined an agency about a week ago your skill is still lacking, even to fight a predator, so how about you give me your A game.

Luna: your own.

As they were loading up on guns Alcatraz realized that he gave luan his sword and Lynn his wristblade, he looks at Lola who had six guns.

Alcatraz: can I see one of your guns?

Lola: nope.

Alcatraz: it's okay, just gonna use this brick(he picks up a brick) Maximum effort.

Luna was the first one to step up and that's when she raised her hand as a psionic blade, as Alcatraz just look at her.

Alcatraz: psionic Powers? Neat.

Luna: along with sonic powers.

Alcatraz: Sonic p-(she shrieks as a purple spiral blast came to him as he broken through a pillar hitting onto the ground, Luna jumps down to him and she tried to stab him but he rolls away getting up, as she tried to hit him he hits her with the brick in her left wrist and as she tried to hit him with the blade he ducks and hit her under her wrist where her vain is, as she held it he jumps over her to hit her with the brick and she stumbled back.)

Luna: little help?

The rest of them jump down toward them, Lana rushed to Alcatraz turning into metal as she punched him sending him into a building, as he got up Lola kicked him in the chest and as he tried to punch her his fist went through as she grabbed his fist twisting it behind him and kicking him into luan who had one arm looking like it have snake scales and one like a crocodile. He ducks and kicks her away and Lincoln shot at him but he threw the brick to his face breaking it and knocking Lincoln into a car.

Luan: what're the matters Alcatrazsssss youssss seeemssss aftaidsss

Alcatraz: I understand the snake voice but one your like all reptiles and two you're using the sssss on words that don't end with S like matter, Alcatraz, you, and afraid.

She then looked at him talking in a deep voice like a crocodile.

Luan: Okay Alcatraz come at me, one hand claws that can cut humans in half and the other have venom that can paralyze or kill, depending on how I feel(along snake-like tongue come out of her mouth but it was more of a crocodile tongue being a little wide as Alcatraz shivers he grabbed another brick getting into a fighting stance as luan lunged at him but he dodged hitting her in the back of the head with the brick, Lana comes to him punching rapidly but Alcatraz caught her fist)

Lana: what? I'm made out of did you?

He flips her punching her in the back sending her into Lola who was surprised and didn't have time to evade her oncoming twin.

Lincoln: wow wow wow Alcatraz, don't move, this thing can cut a predator head clean off.

Alcatraz: he was a young new warrior, anyone more experience than him could possibly beat us all, even me, I'm not sure but theirs just one thing master Lincoln.

The swords moved out of Lincoln hand and into Alcatraz who flips over luan who tried to tackle him and she then lands as Lincoln joined in on his sister.

Luan: come on Alcatraz, what's so bad about getting paralyzed? (she moves around mainly moving her hips and body like someone was charming a snake, Alcatraz, then raised his sword looking at the two)

Alcatraz: how about the fact that you paralyzed me and I don't want that to happy since you do look like a psycho.

Lincoln: he's not wrong.

Luan charged to guns slashing her claws quickly, Luna than ran towards him trying to hit him but he blocks her hits with his sword before he hits her with his elbow knocking her down, Lincoln was shot at him but he lands on a car deflecting all the bullets and he pounced on Lincoln who in response kicked Alcatraz off of him, as Alcatraz gets up another wristwatch forms over his right arm and a blade comes out.

Lincoln: so do all your things come back to you?

Alcatraz: almost all of them.

He dashed toward Lincoln who picked up a pole to block the hits from Alcatraz's fist but he cuts it in half with his blade and he grabbed Lincoln slamming him onto the ground, as luan dashed to him a quick punched her in the face-kicking her back.

Alcatraz: did you think you would really hit me with the-(she punched him with the crocodile arm sending him flying through the air)

As he fell down luan leaps towards hitting him across the face with her tail, as he looked at the balled spiked end he moved as it comes down destroying a manhole cover, knowing that he had to deal with that he grabbed his sword putting two hands on the handle as he closed his eyes.

(This idea of her like that came from a story, I might make it I don't know but in it luan is Medusa and yeah, she's half snake but on this one she's basically all reptiles

Luan: really, okay then(she charged at him and with one clean swipe he cuts both her name arm and her tail off making her scream)

As she held her arms wound the tail falls to the ground with a loud thud and Alcatraz picks it up with both hands.

Alcatraz: God dawn why is it so huge?

As luan kept screaming helicopter land near them and Luna jumps off.

Luna: come on gu...what happens to you!?

Alcatraz: oh I had cut her arm and tail off so she can stop.

Luna: come on we have to go.

Alcatraz: why?

???: a predator ship have landed and an X military Man, the best sniper as we call him founded the ship, while he's being asked the question we founded the predator.

Alcatraz: who are you?

Dr. Yolang: I'm Doctor Yolang, and you need to come with me Ascentic.

Alcatraz: you mean me.

Dr. Yolang: you mean the Trog which came from your planet? Yes, you come on.

As they got onto the helicopter heading to the base a ship in space looks at earth as it slowly made its way to the planet looking for the crashed predator ship.

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