Chapter 44 Luna power mishaps

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After hearing back to the ship Alcatraz and Luna were talking while in her room.

Luna: I'm glad your alive and all Alcatraz but I'm getting real tired of you always "dying" then coming back.

Alcatraz: You think I have an option over that? I tried doing what I could do to knock out Stella...didn't work though.

Luna: If your race is supposed to be semi superior to the predators then you bring shame to your race.

Alcatraz: Hey! What do you mean!?

Luna: When we first meant you. Well, you were different. Sorta honor-bound. Plus stronger. You tossed a predator around and that's when you slammed him to a truck. But you then got beat by Ronnie Anne, then the two ultimate predators and then the ultra predator, then Lisa and now Stella.

Alcatraz: Hey I call bullshit on those. Two of them Lincoln didn't want me to kill. Two of them were bigger and genetically stronger. Each fight I was in they were unfair for me.

Luna: Yeah I guess your right. So what do you want to do now?

Alcatraz: Relax some more. After fighting through a ship of xenomorphs I could use a little break.

He sits on the bed and she looks at him.

Luna: Awww is someone tired? Can't deal with to much to do?

Alcatraz: Luna I did more than what y'all did I could use a little break.

Luna: Fine. (Luna went to hug him but as she did she grew a bit more muscular, and her bust and rear grew, Alcatraz groans in pain as they heard a snap) Damnit. Why does this keep happening?

Alcatraz:.......My Back.

Luna: Might have to ask Jax's for help with this.

She lets go of Alcatraz who fell down and didn't get back up and she walks off as he groans trying to get up.

In Jax lab.

Jax was working on some of the destroyed bodies of the terminator drones with Lisa helped. As she uses to have a link to them she tried to reactivate her link to them so she could use them in combat. Luna walks inside of the lab and looks at Jax.

Luna: Jax. We need to talk. Now.

Jax: I'm kinda busy with something as you can see.

She looks at the drone he and Lisa were messing with and as the eyes turn red signaling it was on she slammed her fist into the body of the drone.

Luna: Jax. We. Need. To. Talk. Now.

Lisa:....I'll leave y'all two to it. I'll work on the other drones.

As she walks away Jax look at Lisa and then at Luna who was furious but he noticed her new size.

Jax: did you. Grow. In muscle mass? Chest size? And you-

Luna: Yeah. Because of that stupid upgrade you gave me!

Jax: Well, to be honest, I said it was an experimental fruit-

Luna: FOCUS! How the hell am I'm supposed to get rid of this mate!?

Jax: Why get rid of it. You defeated Lisa in seconds. Well, she was weakened be-

Luna slammed her hand into the table causing it to collapse and Jax looked at her.

Luna: I don't care. Fix it.

Jax: well I Can't fix it. Remember I said it's either permanent or not and if it comes back it's permanent. The best thing to do is to control it.

Luna: Well then help me control it!

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