Chapter 47:Truth unfold to some part 2

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Everything was going well. Balrog forced lays dead on the floor. Multiple bullet cases on the ground. As Alex throws Lincoln to the ground he runs to go help Balrog but Ronnie Anne tackles him to the ground and roars in his face as she ripped his robot arm off.

Ronnie Anne: when I'm done with you. I'll have you wishing you were dead!

His screams of pain and agony were heard across the base. Sarah tried fighting against Lori and Luna but it didn't go well. Lori punched her hand through her chest with on punch and then Luna cut off her head. As it rolls to the stop Sarah looks up to see Lisa and she smiled.

Sarah: creator! You live! Thank Skynet! (as she smiled Lisa licks her up and wired come from her fingernail and entered her mind to shut her down completely. As it was done she crushed her head and then the mess of her head aside)

Dark Ronin was fighting the twins but as she kept teleporting around Lola kept phasing through objects or making her self intangible so the hits will go straight through her. As the right went on she moved and but her arm in the position of holding Dark ronin arm. She lets herself go back to normal keeping her bond. She knees her in her mask breaking it. As that happened Lana runs up behind her and punched her in the back of her head knocking her out.

Alcatraz throws down a dead predator body and he walked to the last locked door where balrog should be. As Alcatraz walks to the door the rest of the team shows up with him. Lisa hacks into the door and it slowly opens and balrog walks out. shouldn't have come here...

Lincoln: No we should. Your rain of terror is over. You know I have to answer everything you've done. To me. To Ronnie Anne and to any other poor souls you tortured over the years. It ends now!

Balrog:...I'm not so sure of that loud.

Ronnie Anne walks overthrowing down a baldy bring and scratched up Alex, he tried crawling to his boss with his last good arm.

Alex: Boss help me! Help me! Please someone anyone just kill me. Please! (his face was melting away showing his skull started to help and his belly slowly begins to burn away to show his guts.)

Balrog: That isn't good at all....but you all should leave or else.

Lincoln: or what you'll turn to a monster. Now get moving.

Balrog: I'm not going anywhere.

Lori: Okay then(she moved her magnum to his knee shooting it and he falls onto his knees.)

Lincoln: Face it Balrog. It's over for you.

Balrog: Oh I don't think so......

He inhales before he shouted in pain and fell to his knees. As falls down even more and his hands were pressed on the ground as well they begun to get bigger puffing out while the hand of one arm started to glow yellow and orange in color like that of fire. They all just watched in shock as a tail grew in place and then wings sprouts out his back.

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