Chapter 67: The Underwhelming prophecy part 1/Unfortunate incident

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Lincoln walked through forest areas of the planet with Ronnie Anne, Sid, the predator, and Luan.

Sid: He says that you have to fight some beast and slay it with the sword. It should be around here and it's forty feet tall.

Lincoln just turn and look at her and hands her the sword.

Lincoln: here you're the chosen one now or whatever.

Sid: Lincoln you can't just give up the sword like that.

Lincoln: Sure I can.

Luan: I'll take it.

Lincoln hands Luan the sword but the orange blade disappeared. Luan just lifted the handle and she starts to shake it. The predator and Sid just looked at Luan and Sid look at her wrist gauntlet for the time and she waited for another minute to pass. After it did she looked back at Luan and she took the handle from Luan and she handed it back to Lincoln and the orange energy blade came back.

Lincoln: Woah. I really am the chosen one! Wait.....Yeah...I am the chosen one...

He looked down with a sigh while Ronnie Anne rubbed his back.

Ronnie Anne: It's fine Lincoln. Let's just deal with the beast.

Lincoln sighs.

Luan: Oh come on. Why the hell does it work for him?

Sid: Well, he is the chosen one and if the sword would've worked with whoever holds it the Predator would've done it alone.

Luan just sighed and they walked over the hill and as they looked down they saw a monster skeleton just laying there. It was the same size as Sid described, judging from how the skeleton looked it was there for a few years.

Luan: So I take it that this part of the quest was done.

Sid: This quest seemed to be way overdone.

She turns to face the predator.

Sid: (In Yautja) Okay, so this quest seems like it was supposed to be done long ago. How many years was this quest up for grabs?

The Predator: 2000 years.

Sid: Okay so this quest is about 2000 years old so I'm sure we'll have an easy time on this quest.

Ronnie Anne: Do anyone else hear clanking metal?

Everyone listens out and that's when they looked over some of the bushes seeing Lisa, Patrick and a few terminators were searching the area.

Lisa: Scout out the area. Find them all. Patrick, you and your batch of terminator search this area. Wyoming will be joining you while.

Patrick: Don't you have the area map of where they should go?

Lisa: Yes, but now thinking about it. You should head to the second checkpoint and wait for them to show up and if they get past you, I will be waiting at the next spot to finish them off.

Patrick nods and they both walked forward, Ronnie Anne just groans and she looked at Sid.

Ronnie Anne: Anything else we should know?

Sid: No, not at all. With them heading to the other places we need to go they might mop up any of the remaining enemy forces.

Luan: So are you sure that there is nothing else we need to do here?

Sid: Nope.

A creature slowly rises up behind them. It has one eye and tentacles on the back of its head. It stood up like a gorilla by using its muscular yet slim arms, it most likely looks like that because the monster itself looked amphibious in nature. It growls and the group turns around to face it.

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