Throw away: Possible sequel reboot.

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Luna: Alcatraz what are you doing?

Alcatraz: Messing with Time Warden.

Luna: Just kill him, you did it before.

Alcatraz: Well actually I only destroyed that stones and made up an ending because this story made me think I confused people. Hell, my ending name was like the @Omegacrow-nexus made. I didn't even mean to purposely do that, I just ran out of names, and since we got like a remaster version it really wasn't the end. We just aren't the same at all and are totally different. Well, my race. Actually, most things there deal with my race, not to mention that since this is new some things are being set up for possible sequels, heroes and villains come and go while the first two arcs dealt with my race villains the next won't.

Luna: Okay so what's next?

Alcatraz: Well an arc for you or something with Time warden, a way to connect our stories. We won't have a direct sequel ever, but we have multiple universes that connect to this one, me destroying that stone created rifts.

Luna: Okay, so tell me why is the other one called a remaster and not a reboot?

Alcatraz: Cause most chapters are being redone, but better.

Luna:.....Why not a reboot?

Alcatraz: Cause reboots are trash, have you see Terminator dark fate? Dani is such a shit character and how she became a leader was stupid. Plus I refuse to be changed to a black or Mexican woman for diversity when it's just pandering, or I refuse to get replaced by one that's an awful character. I would much rather create another once and have her work her way up to begin great and having everyone she knows and loves die and when she gets half skilled she tried to stop the main villain from killing let's say me if she is my replacement. She tries to stop him from killing me because she lost too much and she's not skilled enough yet, I die anyways and now she holds the guilt of that and has so much pain and trauma and other characters teach her and more, you know, actually have flaws and not be like Rey from the new star wars and I refuse to call her a skywalker.

Luna: How drunk are you?

Alcatraz: Not very, I was thinking about the new movies to come out and somethings with Marvel, and I got depressed. The SJW movement is running everything, have you seen the last of us 2? Not to mention that and the SJW writer from the game made a tweet complaining about female mandarioans from the show having boob armor.

Luna: Well giving how their armor looks it's it helps with comfort.

Alcatraz: SJWs don't care, they believe the real body Imagine for women is not skinny and busty, but like on the heavier side.

Luna: People are born skinny....and in lots of countries all are, only in American is there the fattest people. Now, are you done talking about the things you hate?

Alcatraz: No not really they also think it's sexist for a man to save a woman, and shit like that. It's sad because the real SJWs who is fighting for the right thing gets overshadowed by these nutcakes asking for diversity in movies. I hate that seeing that it panders, they want to make the little mermaid black...when she had been white, also there is a black princess but of course, she doesn't get any love.

Luna: Alcatraz gets to the point of this chapter.

Alcatraz: Oh, well this one by get a reboot or a type of sequel.

Prophet: Will it have me?

Luna: Who is that?

Alcatraz: Future son, and no, you won't have parts for years, unless I make stories about you.

Nicole: What about me?

Alcatraz: I dunno, I shoehorned you into an arc because I didn't feel this one anymore. Your part by all means is non-cannon to the new timeline stories.

Nicole: Really!? When will I appear!?

Alcatraz: Uh, loud light 2.

Nicole: Your not even done with the remastered one yet and I've been waiting patiently for a real none flash-back role!

Alcatraz: And I've been waiting to be in your creator story and I ain't complaining to him, but if things make you feel better next throwaway can be about you in some way.

Luna:....So was this chapter a rant?

Alcatraz: No, it gave information about a possible new story but have the feeling that this one had, a villain for the ongoing story of us, and many timelines steaming from this, oh and three new stories will be made, a halo one is one of them and another is a marvel.

Ronnie Anne: Can the next throw away be about my child again?

Alcatraz: Sure, Nicole could wait.

Nicole: You bastard!

Alcatraz: You should be used to this now!

(Hey everyone, hope y'all enjoyed this throw away chapter. omegacrow-nexus is the owner for Nicole, hope y'all enjoyed the jokes in this throw away and hope y'all will be excited to maybe see a sorta sequel to this one.

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