Throw away: Rain of new books

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Lincoln: Alcatraz, there some guy at the door asking for my blood and if he doesn't he'll kill everyone and take Sonya.

Alcatraz: Lincoln I don't care, your a grown man who can- wait how does he know about Sonya?

Lincoln: I opened the door with Sonya in hand(Alcatraz looked at Lincoln who was holding Sonya who was glaring at him)

Alcatraz:.....Is your baby glaring at me?

Lincoln: Of course not she's a baby.

Alcatraz: Lincoln, I'm pretty sure she's glaring at me.

Lincoln: I'm sure it's not intentional.

Alcatraz: Lincoln a baby just can't glare at someone unintentionally. (As he said that he grabs some flask so and drinks from it)

Lincoln: Alcatraz it's seven in the morning.

Alcatraz: Yeah, but it's never too early to get drunk, plus we don't have any visitors today.

Lincoln: Whatever, so what do I do about that guy?

Alcatraz: Deal with it's yourself, also you closed the  door right


????: Alright that's it! Give me your blood or-(before Alcatraz could shoot him Sonya leaps out Lincoln's arm and attached to the guy's face and she begins to mail him to death) Ah! Ah! Ah! Get it off! Get it off!

Alcatraz: Huh, guess we got something to deal with those door to door salesmen.

Lincoln: is that

Alcatraz: She's an alien that is the daughter of a human-alien mutant hybrid and a mutant, I'm sure she's fine.

Luna walked into the room.

Luna: Alcatraz we need to discuss plans for updates for old books and make new on- are you seriously drinking?

Alcatraz: You can't stop me, or tell me what to do, we're not married yet so I'm free. Once we are married you can bitch and complain and take my hard-earned money while also disrespecting me.

Luna:....I- whatever, so we need an update for ghost rider Luna and the male reader story, also Jurassic louds.

Alcatraz: Jurassic louds are gone, ghost rider Luna will get the ax and maybe the other story.

Luna: What? Why!?

Alcatraz: Well I mean other than the fact of inconsistent reads and not feeling the stories I want fresh new ideas.

Lincoln: your reads aren't that bad.

Alcatraz: Only one book got like 54k reads which were like the first-ever story I made, bad grammar and all, it got a reboot but it's like 200 or so reads. The main problem I face is uploads, you wait too long people lose interest, you upload constantly people won't read the other chapters as much. First chapter can have 900 the next 400.

Lincoln: Maybe it's because they didn't like the first one? (Alcatraz, Luna, and Sonya looked at him like he was stupid) what?

Luna sighs and Sonya went back to scratching.

Alcatraz: Tell me how they could read the second chapter Lincoln? If there are 900 reads on the first buy 400 on the second what happened to the other 500? Last I check you can't unread a story.


Luna: So what, your throwing in the towel?

Alcatraz: Not at all my thicc little rockstar.

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