Chapter 7 ultimate predator.

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After dealing with the hellhounds nettle pulls up with the RV, Lincoln, luan, Luna, Lynn, Lola, and Lana along with the looneys was outside walking to it.

Casey; all I wanted was a sample!

Nebraska: Come on.

Casey: can I at least get a sample!?

Nebraska takes a chunk of flesh from Quinn jacket that belonged to one of those dogs.

Lincoln: what was that?

Coyle: alien dog.

Casey: probably from the predator.

Luan: his ship crashed somewhere, so they can't be his? Plus why did they go for your kid?

Quinn: it's after its gear, remember.

Lana: oh yeah.

A thud was heard on the roof of the RV and nettle was pulled out of the window and he was pulled up by the predator.

They all aim at him but he points the plasma caster to nettles, he pointed to Quinn gun and he signals them to drop it, as they dropped it he looks at Rory and his wristwatch attached to him, as he was about to go for it Baxley twitched out and the predator looks at Jimmy and at that time Quinn steps on his gun flipping it towards him and he shot ah the predator making him fall. Nettles jump off of the RV and he grabbed a gun and they all ran to the school. As Quinn, Casey, and Rory rushed inside of the school while everyone else shot at him, he shot a ball of plasma and they all rushed to cover as it hits the door. The predator simple ran inside while Luna got up from the bushes.

Luna: oh shit!

Her and Lola rushed inside in while web Rhône else got up, while inside Quinn, Casey, Rory made it up the stairs.

Quinn: Casey take my son and go that way and I'll hold him off.

As they moved Quinn was lifted into the air and slammed against the wall, Luna and Lola finally made it up the stairs and they aimed at the predator who was holding Quinn but a hand grabbed the predator-free hand and he was thrown out of the building.

Quinn: is that your friend?

Lola: yeah can do that before

As they rushed downstairs the looneys and the other louds watched as the predator slowly get up and something lands down, as the louds all smiles it quickly turns to a frown as they seen it stood up reaching 11 feet.

Ultimate predator: (in its language) tell me where it is.

The regular predator shot a ball of plasma to him but he dodged it and the crew back to the RV while Alcatraz finally made it back to them

Alcatraz: louds!

They turn pointing at him but they saw he was human and they got inside the RV as Alcatraz joined them but he hung out of the door looking at the fight.

The regular predator dashed to the ultimate one and he swings his blades but then as he went for a stab the ultimate predator caught it with his fist and it has broken the blade in the process, he also crushed his fist making him roar in pain and he was grabbed by the neck and throwing down onto a car. As they kept watching he slowly took off the predator helmets and he punched him in the face breaking it killing him instantly, and to make sure he was dead his head was ripped off and it was thrown onto the ground.

Coyle: oh shit!

Alcatraz: Anyone wants green mash-potatoes

Lincoln: I was thinking the same thing.

The predator looks at them as they drove off.

Coyle: what's the big! One what's the big one doc! Is that like the main!?

Casey: did you see that? He grew and exoskeleton. (She then looked at everyone) are the hunting each other now?

As they drove off the ultimate predator walks over to the reck and the dead dogs, he was talking to someone over his watch and as he looked at a police car he spits on it and active his active camo walking always.

(Sorry if it was short but that's how I choose to add the Ultimate predator and have Alcatraz come back. The next chapter will be uploaded later on but my other stories will be updated either later tonight or tomorrow, everyone stays WOW!

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