Chapter 22 Jungle hunter part 1

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Later Luna woke up with a bandage around her stomach and back. She felt fine but she then gets up groaning seeing that they were in some setup camp.

Luan: She's awake.

Luna: head...what happened.

Lori: a very skilled predator attacked Alcatraz and Lincoln. When you was woke you said that he managed to beat both Alcatraz and Lincoln, he stabbed Alcatraz multiple times to get him down but that didn't work. Then you said that after you threw Lincoln into the river he shot you in the back and he shot Alcatraz and stabbed him a lot of times before he knocked him into the river, then you and he was blown out by the explosion.

Luna: Alcatraz! Lincoln! A..are they-

Lori: highly unlikely. If Lincoln was barely woke he could've drowned. With the damages that Alcatraz felt he could have well drowned as well.

Luan: but we decided to try and find them both.

Lori: Ronnie Anne can't find them so we all have to search for them. We have about five hours to do so. Let's go.

Meanwhile, in another part of the jungle, a deer was drinking from the river when it is seen Alcatraz walk up to the water to get some as well. The deer stood its ground until Lincoln walks up beside it drinking from the river too so the deer ran off.

Alcatraz: Lincoln tell me again why we are leaving?

Lincoln: I'm going to deal with this fighting no more. I say the reason why they mainly fight with me was that Lori and her followers are back to their old selves.

Alcatraz: Luna seems pretty nice, don't seem like she'll mess with you no more.

Lincoln: Alcatraz shes the reason why I ran off, She'll also be the reason for why I'm running off again. Her and Lori.

Alcatraz: Lincoln...Lori is still dead.

Lincoln: don't be a dumb ass, she is fighting with Luna.

Alcatraz: that's a fragment of me Lincoln. Same with the A.I Luna have and you have. Delta comes on out.

Delta pops out looking at Lincoln.

Alcatraz: Lori, have most of my strength, skills, and leadership, that why I wasn't acting myself when we were training with her. Sigma, Luna A.I is my ambition and creativity. Delta is my logic. That A.I power I got that day, made me into an A.I of sorts. Lori is just the memories of her that Y'all told me. That Y'all showed me, the rest is just guesswork. She doesn't remember all the times Clyde even asked her out, she doesn't even remember Bobby since you never told me about him that much. I'm sorry Lincoln. the day at the wasn't was just.

Delta: an extension of Alcatraz.

Alcatraz: he's right. I wanted to tell you but the director had me keep quiet. But now since he can't hear us because our equipment was damaged I can tell you the truth.

Lincoln then pulls out ten thumb drive with the information still on it.

Lincoln: that's odd. I have the new information still on here.

Alcatraz: we could see what he's hiding, come on, let's get out of sight.

As the walked away the predator was hanging on a tree branch watching them as Balrog just informed him to kill all the agents before they regroup with the ship.

Luna: Alcatraz! Lincoln! Where are you!

Lynn: Lincoln! Lincoln!

Lori: this is a waste of time. Forget it we're leaving. Hand me the thumb drive, Luna.

Luna: Lincoln got it.

Before they could do anything else a plasma ball comes from the tree hitting the ground. Spongebob rolls out of the way and he gets up shooting at the trees but the predator shows up behind him pushing him to a tree. He then tried to stab him but he only hits the tree as Spongebob slowly push him out the way, as everyone rushes him a ball of plasma from his mounted shoulder cannon hits Patrick in the stomach. Sending him into a tree. As they watched Spongebob jumped on its backstabbing it in the neck. As he swings around and as Spongebob flies off Ronnie Anne used her tail to stab him in the neck killing the predator. As the body falls down they walk up to the body and they took the helmet off of him.

But before they could see what's inside the mask was shot and they saw another predator in the trees. This one armor was different. It had more jagged spikes on it and it covered the majority of its body and the mask looked just like the fugitive predator. As they looked at it Lola rises her desert eagle and shot an open spot in its armor but it only bounced off the flesh.

Luna: Another Ultimate Predator.

Its plasma caster started to charge and spin as they all watched him.

Luna: everyone run!

As they all start running as plasma rounds hit the ground or trees next to them exploding, as they all jumped and dodged the attacks they stop at a waterfall.

Lori: we might have to jump.

Luna: I think we need to jump.

Sam runs pass them jumping into the water but that's when a blade hits the tree next to them.

Luna: don't worry the ultimate predator blades never explode-(it went off causing most of them to fall into the waterfall of some in the river next to it)

As they all fell down into the water the ultimate predator walks to the edge and roars in victory.

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