Chapter 61: Ronnie Anne Resurgence part 4

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Inside of the room Ronnie Anne, Sid and Grey looked at the monitor and they looked at Spikehead and shocker who were staring each other down. Shocker didn't move and Spikehead didn't either. He then starts up his chainsaw and looks at Shocker as he was going to start the battle. He rushed towards Shocker who just fired lighting at him but this didn't do a thing. He just rushed through it and swings his chainsaw to the right hitting his ride side and he started to cut into his side but Shocker punched him in the face but the spikes went into his skin like butter with some of the spikes breaking through his hand. He pulled his hand back and then Spikehead punched him in the face sending him to the wall denting it's. He rushed to him and he cuts his leg and then stopped as he went to cut his left side, he didn't want to cut him down just yet. He wanted to completely maim and butcher him. But shocker then begins to fire his lighting towards him which didn't do much but his skin did begin to bubble. He grabbed Shocker and left him up throwing him over a railing to break his back. As he did this he raised his chainsaw but Shocker fires lighting to the shoulder spike and it begins to go to each spike on his body while going inside of his body. He roars in pain and he backs up swinging his chainsaw in a frenzied rage. Shocker gets up and watched as this kept going on until he added to it shocking each spike once more. He just roars until his head exploded and he falls over onto his back.

Grey: Well then.

Sid: I expected Spikehead to win that one.

Ronnie Anne: Okay let's go.

Grey: Do we ha-

Ronnie Anne: Yes. Now let's go.

Grey: Fine. Come on let's go.

Sid sighs and she gets out the chair and follows the two outside and as they stepped outside Sid turns to Ronnie Anne.

Sid: Should we split up or all head to the same location.

Grey: you know this base better than us so we all should follow one another

Ronnie Anne nods and Sid then takes the head heading down the hall passing mangled corpses on the floor that was brutalized by any of the prisoners. As they entered another room they heard the sounds of xenomorphs roaring in pain in the kitchen. As the three looked inside they say another mutant, he was a predator, a super predator who was apart of the bad blood clan. He was 8'3 and his armor complete covered his body like a suit, what was changed about him is how buff this particular predator is, he was more muscular due to some experiments that were tested on him, but he was already a mutant on his homeworld since this one have the ability to crush people, basically a form of telekinesis. If he doesn't want to fight he'll just sling them around or just crush them. But that's not what he's doing with these Xenomorphs which he killed with a single strike. He turns to punch one in the head causing the skin to rip off and then the skull shattered. His eyes were pure black and they call him fosse.

Sid: Who's the hell is going to fight him?

Grey: Think it'll be best if we leave him be

Ronnie Anne: We need to get rid of this one.

Both of them look at her and she walked inside leaping to him but he caught her neck and flicks her through the wall and into another wall beside Sid and Grey. Both turn to fosse who was looking directly at them and he slowly walks to them.

Grey: Okay I'll deal with this one.

Sid: You sure you can handle him?

Grey: I'm sure I can.

Grey looks at him and he gets ready while fosse stops walking to them and he looks at Grey. Sid just looks at them wondering how this'll go.

Grey rushed towards at a faster than normal speed punching Fosse in the chest and then he hits him more landing more strikes on him punching it in the chest and stomach and he leaps back and Fosse just continued to look at them. Grey just thinks again before he rushed to him again faster than before and he starts throwing more strikes at his chest only for Fosse to grab his arm and lift him up. Both Sid and Ronnie Anne mouthed what the fuck as Grey was slammed into a metal fridge. Grey gets up and groans looking at Fosse who walks to him. Fosse throws a punch which Grey dodged and he jabs his side and as Fosse threw a right hook Grey dodged this one only for Fosse to kick him into the wall but before he broke through he grabbed Grey leg and pulled him back punching him in the chest. He hits the floor and groans as he was kicked back. Grey gets up once again and Fosse walks to him. Grey aims his blades to him and fired it at Fosse. One bounced off his armor while the other hit his eyes and he roars in pain.

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