Chapter 31 Skynet

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Lana gets up trying to run from the Terminator as he follows her. But Lana was confused. She sees robots in cases that were cybernetic but a person is chasing her. Sure he took lots of shots from then with guns but something seemed off. Then the Terminator grabs a piece of brick or ceiling and he throws it to Lana. Until she just got the realization that she can turn her body to steal.

Lana: oh yeah. How did I forget that(her body turns to steal and she runs to him throwing a punch across his face but it sounds like she was punching steal) what the?

She continued to fight him blocking his punches and jabs and the right and left hook him a few times before right hooking him where he did a spin and he kneels down before turning to Lana and she saw half his face was Mechanical. She gasps and he stood up. She dashed to him throwing punches and jabs but he dodges then easily punching her in the chest stomach and shoulders to weaken her. She then goes for another punch but he caught her fist and he punched her in the face and that's when cords wrap around her legs and arms restraining them as she rises. She looks around and she tried to break the cords but they were too strong. Even for her.

????: a loud sibling. Name Lana loud. JSCO team code name Apex Predators.

Lana: Who are you?

????: I am Skynet. After I was a program to learn everything I noticed all the corruption and lies. The world leaders kept the secret of space travel and different livable planets. Then how I was used just to draw you In. I'll now see the problem. Humans.

Lana: not all go is are like that.

Skynet: But all humans are inferior to machines. During my Creation, I was only made to be destroyed. Waisted. For our enemies to find me and hope to take me to their base just for me to send back all your data and then explode. I learned that my creation was just a joke. But now I plan on destroying all human life.

Lana: oh yeah. That's so smart.

Skynet: of course we'll need to have interesting humans left. Such as yourself. You'll be added to my collection of interesting humans.

Lana: wait for what!? (the wires move her towards some robotic pod that was open. She tried to fight it but more wires come out wrapping around her pulling her into the pod)

Alcatraz, Lincoln, and Lynn run into the house looking at Lola and Luna who was looking at the trap door.

Luna: Lana fell inside here. We need to go get her.

Lincoln: do Y'all know what took her?

Lola: some man.

Lynn: a man? Ha! He beat y'all!?

Lola: who took ACR. Scar L and tactical shotgun bullets to the chest, stomach, and face like it was nothing.

Luna: also when I punched him it felt like a steal.

She stomped on the trap door and drops inside. The rest of them then follows Luna down inside and they see pods filled with robots only seeing its face.

 The rest of them then follows Luna down inside and they see pods filled with robots only seeing its face

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