Chapter 51: Fugutive

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Inside the ship, Lincoln stole he had the device that contained Alcatraz in it. The device just hums as it just sat there and glows brighter every once in a while. Lincoln tries to think. Alcatraz still has a physical form, his body, his true body so where the hell is it. As he was thinking he was coming up to another planet.

Lincoln: Kipler. Well, that'll be a nice place to hold out until we find your body.

Lincoln looks at the device as it glows brighter.

Lincoln: I think the Rev 9 is after us or at the very less The Director Loyalist....Fuck why did Lori have to run off without me? Now I have to deal with them and have to keep you safe. (Lincoln looks at the Device and he thinks again and the things that they did. What if the director someone got Alcatraz trapped inside of that thing. But he had to stop thinking about that and he was wondering about how he'll deal with the director's lackies.)

With the lackies the Alcatraz ship flies through space and inside of the ship was Rev 9, Lisa, Patrick, and Wyoming. Rev 9 had her finger plugged into the ship AI port which connected the AI to the ship. Rev 9 used this to track down the ship Lincoln was using and she knew exactly where he is heading.

Rev 9: Okay I founded him. We have to figure out who will kill Lincoln but I'm the most capable so I'm killing him.

Patrick: Wait kill? But he was still a friend back then. We could just turn him in.

Rev 9: Director said dead or alive and I want dead so yeah he's going to die.

Lisa: Yes. It would be wise to kill him. He wasn't the strongest agent but he is hard to catch and stop.

Patrick: Isn't he.. your brother?

Lisa: Yes but things like that don't matter to me. With him dead, I can study him to see how his ability work and I would continue to run a test on the Alpha

Patrick thinks for a moment, are they really going to kill Lincoln, sure he wants to stop him but he don't want to kill Lincoln. But he'll come across that road when he gets to it.

Lincoln lands the dropship and grabbed the Device and place it on his back as he grabbed his weapons and he walked out the ship and lead into the town. But as he did a black tail sways from the ceiling inside of the pelican and the tail had a spear tip. As Lincoln walked into town he saw thugs and bounty hunters talking to each other. He ignores them as they all looked at him and he heads into some bar.

Lincoln: First time alone. Might as well get a drink.(The device hums) Well Okay, not alone.

He heads to a table to sit down as he placed the device to his right near the wall. Some other bounty hunters saw him and they walked over to him and he raised an eyebrow, funny enough one is a predator.

Bounty hunter 1: We don't take kindly to Divine Agents out in these parts.

Lincoln: Look I'm not here for trouble, I just want to get something to drink and something to eat. I'll leave, get some food and drinks and other things. Head back to my ship and leave.

The predator spoke but Lincoln didn't understand and the third one looks at Lincoln.

Bounty Hunter 2: Your the one the Director wants back. Dead or alive and he'll pay any price for that device.

Lincoln just give them a deadpan look and before the first could grab his gun Lincoln shot him in the chest calmy. He looked down in shock and he falls over onto the table. The third one looks at him and was shot in the face and before the Predator could do anything Lincoln grabbed his arm and stabbed his nice into it and left him stuck to the table and he roars as Lincoln shoots him in the neck three times. The Predator fell to his knees and was slowly dying and Lincoln just takes his knife from his hand and waits for a waiter to come. One of them did and came back with coke. He raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

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