Chapter 8 on the road

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The RV pulled up in front of the loud house, as the six louds walked out the RV looking at the destroyer wreck of the house.

Luna: maybe we can go to the agency we work for.

She turns to the loonies and the kid.

Luna: your be safe there.

Alcatraz was walking away from the group again and that's when a rock hits the back of Alcatraz's head, he slowly turns and he saw luan standing there.

Luna: what are you doing?

Alcatraz: walking away?

Luna: again? Last time you left we could have been killed by the predator or those dogs.

Alcatraz: and I could have made a difference because?

Luna: well you have a sword, plasma-based weapons and to top it all off you an ALIEN!

She walks up to him while he just looks down at her.

Alcatraz: besides I came to protect Lincoln from a predator, not that monstrous thing.

Luna: or so that's when we need you the most and you're just going to leave.

Alcatraz: I'll be gone for a month. My ship is four states away and I need to go get some weapons from it.

Luna: well I'm coming with you.

Alcatraz: I can take care of myself, Luna.

As he tried to move the handcuff him to her hand.

Alcatraz: like I can't break from this(he tried to pull it off but it didn't move, Luna only smirked as Alcatraz grabbed the chain to try and break it but all it did was move but it didn't break. She continued to smile and then grabbed his sword and it slowly started to heat up and then he strikes up, it breaks through but then the chain reattached) what the fuck!

Luna: you need a key to open it.

Alcatraz: Luna give me the key!

Luna drops the key into her chest and he just growls at her.

Alcatraz: whatever you can come.

Luna just smiled and she tried to get the key but Alcatraz turns around to see Lincoln and the other loud siblings behind him.

Alcatraz: not what it looks like. She handcuffs my hand.

Lincoln:...I'm just going to leave.

Lola: same.

Lana: I'm just going to go.

After an hour the louds and the loonies assembles and Luna stepped up.

Luna: Okay, so for you guys, we are leaving but before we go we will make sure that the stalker class ship gets here to take you to the base, your be safe there, a stalker type ship will be heading to you.

Quinn: a stalker? What's that?

Luna: the world is much bigger than you even image, whoever played halo wars.

Rory raised his hands.

Luna: that's real and it's going on right now.

Just then a ship landed and it uncloaked on the streets, after the loonies all got aboard they all said their final goodbyes and they all left, Luna founded an RV that can fit the rest of them and they got in the car driving off.

As the siblings were all doing their own things, Lincoln who was laying on the table looked at Luna.

Lincoln: so is where are we going?

Luna: to Alcatraz ship, we're going to kill that ultimate predator.

Lincoln: sounds fun, Count me in.

Luna chuckled looking back at her brother.

Luna: sounds like that predator hunting DNA is talking.

She turns back to face the road and she looked at Alcatraz who opens a map, luan opens a pen and she circles Michigan.

Luna: so where are we heading A man?

Alcatraz: Florida.

Luna stopped the truck making Lincoln fly out of the table and hit a wall while Lola and Lana, who's as sparing fell and the Trog jumped onto luan butt since she fell face first into the ground.

Luna: why in On earth would you park it in Florida!

Alcatraz: because it's the sunshine state? And let's face it no one will think it's real.

Luna: why so?

Luan: yeah(she held her head groaning while grabbing the Trog placing it on the table) it's invisible?

Alcatraz: no I placed it in a place called Disney world.

Lincoln: the hell is a Disney world?

Luna: why can't we just fly there!

Alcatraz: to draw less attention to ourselves, that thing is after Lincoln and he's after this(he pulls something up) this thing can control the predator ship, and if he doesn't get this he can't complete his mission.

Luna: hm, sounds smart. Might have to stop at a gas station for some snacks, anyone has money?

Lincoln: I was gone for ten years.

Luan: we left all our money back at base.

Luna: oh yeah that's right, luan how much did you have?

Luan: um, 2,928.

Luna: oh damn, Lola how much money do you have and don't let me down.

Lola: well first I have 3,048 in my pocket now and 5,749 at the house and 7,896 in the couch.

Alcatraz: that's why I kept hearing crunching noises.

Lynn: I have ten dollars.

Lana: I have no money.

After that, they turn around heading to the house while Lincoln takes a phone out and he stands up.

Lincoln: okay so if we spread our money out, we can have, road snacks, lunch breaks, and dinner, and if we have any luck Alcatraz can use his camo to take the money back after we leave.

Lynn: I like that plan.

Alcatraz: but stealing is wrong.

Lincoln: Alcatraz shut your logically thinking ass up.

Luna: yeah, people still all the time here.

Luan: oh and can we get a new RV!

Lana: yeah a bigger more! And an aquamarine for the frog, of Trog or whatever!

Lincoln: damn we need a lot, oh and I need comics and video games.

Luna: Fine Fine Fine whatever, so Alcatraz, you're with me, we will get some snacks and an Aquarium, Lola and Lana will get the food for the pet, Lincoln can go get his comics and games, luan find another RV and Lynn guard the house and load up on weapons.

They all nodded and they walked out but a hand grabbed Alcatraz shoulder.

Lynn: um why do Alcatraz go with you?

Alcatraz: oh God Lincoln, Lola, Lana help?

They ran out while luan walked up behind Alcatraz.

Luna: well because I'm the oldest, and I'm sure he's my age! Ain't that right!

Alcatraz: I'm 24.

Luan laughs and she tried to pull him to her but that's when they all started to fight over him like he was a toy, he just stood there waiting for it to be over but he muted his mask and he started to talk to the A.I

Alcatraz: hey, H.V deletes all of the things that made me talk to the sisters and actually have him talk to them.

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