Chapter 42 Stella Vs Ronnie Anne

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While the xenomorphs was roaming the ship to try and find the louds who managed to regroup with the others that were on the ship at the moment, Lynn, Ronnie Anne, Sam, Luna, luan, Lori and Lincoln were all inside of the armory searching for weapons to use while Luna was still trying to get in contact with Alcatraz by using their commlink. But she heard nothing but static. She looks down and that's when Sam put her hand on Luna back.

Sam: Luna. Trust me. Alcatraz is okay, I'm sure that the explosion didn't kill him. If it killed him then Stella would be dead also.

Luna: That's the thing, Sam. We don't know if she's alive either. But we have to find him before we leave this ship.

Lori gets up after her wounds were healed and she looked around the stocks of weapons. She founded two pistols which were desert eagles. She takes them both and put it in the weapon holster on her hips. She then takes two revolvers and put it on the weapon holster around her waist and she takes two pistols and looks at the others.

Lori: If you want to find Alcatraz then we have to start killing these xenomorphs. But we have to try and find the queen. Ronnie Anne do you know where she is.

Ronnie Anne: Somewhere in the middle of the ship than all the way to the end where the engines are. Every time I go down there I get a headache and feel weak.

Lincoln: Why is that?

Ronnie Anne: The Queen is trying to get in my head and have me fight for her. If I'm fair enough I can't hear her call. But if I'm not then she would have an easier time getting to me.

Lana: Well we shouldn't just stay here. We should start killing all her babies.

Luan: But this ship had 2,000 crew members and none of them had survived this slather.

Lincoln: How come some of the dropships are missing?

Before anyone could answer someone rammed into the door that was sealed. They heard a roar and then another banging noise, then another one that causes the door to open a bit and they saw Stella.

Lincoln: Oh shit! Is there any other way out of here?

Lola: There's an air vent.

Luna: Or you could phase ya through the wall one by one.

Lincoln: Someone is still mad about being trapped in a vent?

Luna growls at him and her right arm turns to a blade and she cuts a square into the wall and kicked it down.

Luna: Or I could also do this, now let's go.

Lori nodded and then Stella opens the door completely and roars at them while xenomorphs ran inside. They start running through the hole while Lincoln and Lana lay down covering fire killing all the xenomorphs that tried to enter. But Stella roars and charge towards them. Lincoln used Cinder blast to slow her down and cause her to stop and cough from the smoke. As she was distracted Lana and Lincoln runs out the room meeting up with the others.

Lincoln: What's the plan now!?

Lori: This ship okay secure at all. Our only plan is to head to the bridge and turn on the defense turrets. Or at least see if we could do something about theses xenomorphs then we'll blow up the engines to this ship to cause a chain reaction.

More xenomorphs come from the vents and rush to them. Lincoln and Lana turn around shooting at them but two more leaps towards them coming from vents on the side of the walls. They struggled to throw the xenomorphs off of them without killing or hurting them so they won't have their acid blood hit them and burn them. As they struggled to get them off Lori grabs the tail of the xenomorphs that was on Lana and she pulled it off and throws it to another charging xenomorph. She then turns to Lincoln and grabs the xenomorphs arm breaking it and as it hissed in pain she grabbed its neck and tossed it towards another and then Stella roars at them and rushed towards them again. Everyone opened fire on her but the bullets did nothing to her. She just kept tanking through them. But as she got even closer Ronnie Anne lunges towards Stella plunging her claws into Stella's shoulders and she roars in pain as Ronnie Anne wraps her legs around Stella's waist. She then bites her neck and stabbed Stella in the back but Stella used her tail to try and stab Ronnie Anne but she moves out the way and jumps off of Stella who roars in anger and dashed to Ronnie Anne who sides steps and pounces back onto Stella clawing at her back and bitting the back of her neck. Stella roars has tried to get Ronnie Anne off of her but she couldn't, with her fight with Alcatraz she took to much damage and the explosion had destroyed most her armor, the bullets didn't do anything but it added to the list of pain, now Ronnie Anne is bitting, clawing and stabbing at her and she not making it any better for Stella. Ronnie Anne jumps off Stella back and roars at her. Stella snarls at her and went for a swing but Ronnie Anne blocks it and then stabs her claw into Stella's chest. Stella roars out in pain and she grabbed Ronnie Anna arm and throw her to a wall. Stella then roars looking at her wounds and ran away as more xenomorphs came.

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