Chapter 30 New threat.

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It's been a few months since we last saw the louds and their friends. For one a solo base was set up for the team. Cooper and Jax usually show up to give them news or other information while they were in space with the director. But what happened during that time?

More A.I was created by Alcatraz using them as a split personality. The A.I was Epsilon, which was the one who looked like him. Apparently after getting killed by the ultra predator he returned. Because he's an A.I and he technically doesn't have a body. More or less an outer shell which acted as his body. Next is Delta, the A.I gave to Lincoln the day of the heist mission. He was the more logical side of Alcatraz. People usually see him as smart or a smart ass but he more or less logical and a thing of all outcome to a situation. The one Luna had a name is Sigma. Sigma and Delta were already explained and known out. But the new A.I names are.

Omega, who was given to Lori, Gamma who was given to Wyoming, Theta who wasn't given to anyone yet.

The downsides to all of the problems were the three oldest loud sisters fighting. Luna and luan were pissed at each other still and fight with each other at every turn. Luna started to get angry with Lori again after all the taunts from Lori and the fact that the director stops seeing Luna as the favorite and now sees Lori as his favorite disciple. Instead of Lincoln running off like last time he had taken more missions. Alcatraz went along with him to make sure he doesn't run off and the twins follow alone because they don't want to be around the two. No loud sibling took sides anymore and they decided to let them deal with it.

Another mission has come up for them.

Lincoln: hmm. There's a mission going on now. We should probably go check it out.

Lynn: why. Balrog men are barely around anymore and not only that but it's the fact that he has men on this planet and any other planet with human life.

Lola: besides. We manly stop other ship launch and land it over to our boss.

Lincoln: this one is about robots.

The loud sister: robots!?

Lincoln: seem like that got your attention. Anyways it says these robots that look like skeletons have been going around local areas killing any life and taking any metal items.

Alcatraz: Well let's go check it out. Once we're done we can come back here and examine the bodies and see who made them.

Lana: the only person we fight is Balrog. He seems like a good guess to me.

Lynn: who all wanna take this mission?

Lola: Luna and luan are probably fighting(They heard loud banging and sounds of swords and claws) The scientists are getting Sam to use to...this lifestyle. Lori is probably out doing solo missions that are "not happening now"

Lynn: well of course. We're JSOC. No one should really know what we do.

Lana: Well come on. Let's go see what's going on.

They all nodded getting up to grab their gear. But as they did get up and walk out that room Luna opens the door to another room panting and a bit bloody but her body was healing.

Luna: hey dudes.....what's up?

Lincoln: Nothing.

Luna: any new missions?

Alcatraz: No.

H.V then appears along with Delta.

H.V: there is a mission going on Miss loud. Something going on with robots happening a few miles away.

Luna: you lied to me?

Alcatraz: No. technically you said "new" and that was assigned two days ago.

Luna: can I tag alone.

Alcatraz: sure.

The rest of the louds groans behind Alcatraz who just turns glaring at them to get them to change their minds and attitude.

Lincoln: Huh Yeah. It'll be cool to have you on this trip!

Lola: yeah!

Lana: we couldn't do this mission without you!

Lynn: yeah!

Alcatraz: Dial it down a bit.

Luna: Huh?

Alcatraz: nothing. Let's just go.

After leaving they made it to the location and they saw nothing but a few small hills. One medium-size mountain. Few houses and nothing else. Most of the power of the house wasn't on and some the lights were on.

Luna: are you sure this is the area. Nothing special so about this place.

Alcatraz: how about that?

They turn to where he was looking and they see a broken airship. The same one they high jacked and crashed for Balrog. It seems like it was stripped for parts and most of it was under the ground by now.

Luna: that explains it. Maybe they see an alien around?

Lana: wouldn't make sense. The ones in the ship could've died from the crash and an explosion that happened killed the drones. Then the queen flew out. Either she burnt up in the atmosphere. Or she burnt up. Survive then hit something that caused a lot of force. Or she blew up on impact.

Lynn: this doesn't make sense. The ship blew up on impact to that mountain(she points to the mountain that was on the right and they all looked over to it) making it smaller and not as big. But the ship doesn't look like people are dismantling it. They're rebuilding it.

Luna: spread out. Twins Y'all with me. Alcatraz, Lynn, and Lincoln go check those houses over there. Look for clues.

After they all spread up and looking through houses none of the teams founded no survivors.

Lola: this is pointless. No one survived and nothing unusual is happening.

The door behind them breaks open and someone walks into the house. They all turn and walk out the room holding their guns tightly getting ready. Luna turns the corner and sees a naked man and she looks at his face.

Luna:...Twins. Don't look down....he's naked...

????: your clothes...give them to me. And your weapons.

Lola: but our clothes are meant for females.

????: negative. The one named Lana loud wear clothes that could also be warned by a male. Give me your clothes and weapons. Or there will be trouble.

Lana: eh. We have guns.

He walks to them and they all start shooting. Luna having a ACR and Lola having a Scar L While Lana had a heavy shotgun. But he didn't fall down. He kept walking to them and soon he backhands Lola out the side of the house. The noise attracts the attention of Alcatraz, Lynn, and Lincoln who all left the house they were in rushing to go help them. Lana aims the shotgun to his head but the man sees some trap door under her and he stomps his feet onto the ground causing it to open. She falls down it and Luna punches the guy across the face. She then shakes her head after hitting him and the man turns to pick her up and slamming her into a wall. He then swings her to the side of the wall. She was then tossed to the floor and the man jumps down to where Lola was and he closes the trap door walking to her. She backs up looking at him and looking at the walls which had lots of metal cases with robots that looked like skeletons in them.

Lola: W-What are you?

???: me? Well I-I'm a T-800.

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