Chapter 45 Mission mishaps

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Alcatraz walked back into his room rubbing his face off with a rag.

Alcatraz: Well yesterday was.......something. Actually to save the time I'm not going to explain it at all.

Luna then walked into his room hugging him from behind and she lays her head on his shoulder.

Luna: Hmm. Why don't you shorten some of the things we have done yesterday. Like when you and I had some adult fun for two hours?

Alcatraz:......Hey Luna. Ready for our mission?

Luna: Yeah. Also, I'm sorry for trying to kill you yesterday for another one of luan's attempts to get with you.

Alcatraz: that was when we were in the jungle being hunted by that one predator.

Luna: Bah. Whatever. So what will the mission be about?

Alcatraz: Your second in command and Lori is the first in command. If you don't know then she will no.

Luna: H.V have any idea what the mission will be?

H.V: Yes, infiltrate an enemy base, first is an oil rig. After gathering the data from there you heading to the outside of the planet to head to one of their shipyards based. Destroy the base and get the rest of the information. More A.I will be made from one device that'll be inside there. Find it and bring it back here.

Luna: Oh sounds easy enough.

Alcatraz: Yeah. Just wear those tight or spandex. It'll stop your close from ripping.

Luna: won't that be worse if I'm wearing- Nevermind. I'll meet you at the hanger.

Alcatraz: Alright.

Alcatraz heads to the hangar and as he goes to the hangar instead of seeing any Ospreys or pelicans they were near the drop pod area and Alcatraz walks to them.

Alcatraz: Hey. What are we using to get to the base?

Lori: drop pods. Since we want to take that base by stealth only a few of us will be dropping off there. The first squad to drop, Lynn and Lincoln, then you and Luna and so on. Well, go two at a time in a ten minute or five minutes at a time. So they won't you know, suspect a thing.

Alcatraz: Alright. Sound easy enough.

Delta then appears from Lincoln.

Delta: Well nothing is easy. The average death percentage of drop pods is 74% most of the deaths come from crashing into something that causes you to sink. Usually mud or a lake or body of water. You have a higher chance of dying from being shot down if they know where your coming from, recalculating. The highest point of death is actually around-(Lori A.I omega then pops out to delta.)

Omega: Stop with all of this. No one cares and you're making me really angry now.

Delta: Omega you know the protocols. We can't talk directly to each other.

Omega: I don't care! You're making me angry.

Lori: omega. Return back. You know the rules

Lincoln: same for you delta and thanks for the lesson.

Omega: fine(he blinks off and goes back to Lori and delta does the same but goes to Lincoln.)

Alcatraz: Well let's get this mission started.

Soon the rest of the team arrived. Meta, Wyoming? Spongebob, Patrick, Sam Luan, Lynn, Ronnie Anne, Francisco, Lola, Lana, and Lisa. Finally, Luna comes to them. Her body armor was full tights, it was full body so they aren't separate just one straight suit and she had one somebody armor as well.

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