Chapter 53: Plan to destroy the Rev 9

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As Lincoln was flying the pelican towards the planet he meant Clyde on, Kipler. Ronnie Anne was standing beside him watching him all while Alcatraz was taking off the ship beacon that would allow her to track them.

Alcatraz: There, she won't be able to find us, or at least fast as she uses to find you two. Now, where are we heading?

Lincoln: To the place where I founded an old friend. See if I can get his help. Also, there is a chance my sisters could be here. It's the closest planet to run off to that's out of sight of where we crashed our old base which was the Directorship.

Alcatra: Oh, well what would we do when we get there?

Lincoln: Well, Ronnie Anne and I would talk to Clyde while you search for any of my sisters that would be on the planet.

Alcatraz: How can I do that?

Lincoln: Well.....I don't know. Most of them should be around the main town. Check an auto shop for one of them. You might be lucky if you find two right away.

Alcatraz nods and once Lincoln landed the ship and the hatch open they spread out. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne head towards the bar where Lincoln is while Alcatraz walks into an Auto shop. As he does he sees some people standing around waiting. Alcatraz just looks around the area and he looks in the back of the shop seeing someone in there looking at a car they had which is getting a fix. Alcatraz heads towards the back but someone stops him and Alctarz turns towards whoever grabbed his hand.

Alcatraz: Yes?

Random guy: Woah Woah Woah big guy. You can't just cut the line.

Alcatraz: I'm not cutting the line. I'm going to go talk to the owner.

Random Guy: So do we now sit back down.

Alcatraz: No.

He continued to walk towards the back up as the guy grabbed his hand he throws the guy over his head and he hits the table on the other side of the room. Whoever was sitting at the front desk get up and walk over where Alcatraz is but he turns towards the others.

Alcatraz: Anyone else got something to say?

???: Okay big guy you can't just throw people ar- Oh my God.

Alcatraz turns to the person and it was Lola loud. He smiled since that was who he was looking form but she just shakes her head not believing it was him. She had on a pink tight shirt with diamonds on it, it was really tight over her chest area showing her double C cup while her pants which her dark blue jeans showed off her wide hips. She seemed shocked. Like she saw a ghost, she didn't say a thing she just looked at him.

Alcatraz: It's been awhile, Lola. Now where is Lana, Lincoln needs you two and the other two loud sisters.

Lola: Uh...Lana the back... follow me.

Alcatraz nods and follows her to the back.

Lincoln was punched into the wall of the back room and he slides off the wall while Ronnie Anne and Clyde just looked shocked.

Clyde: Woah.

Lincoln: Okay....I deserved that....still upset about the whole dance disaster thing? Because Luna was the once to set me up with you when I didn't want that....Actually that whole thing wasn't my fault..

Tabby: You wanted him to join us?

Clyde: Hey, he's a friend. How can I say no?

Tabby: Like this "NO"

Lincoln slowly gets up as he dusted himself off.

Lincoln: Well I came here to ask for a favor. I need help dealing with something we call the Rev 9. She is really strong. Ronnie Anne and I can't take her, Alcatraz can't take her eit-

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