Chapter 14 Fragment

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The loud siblings were all at the mess hall. Alcatraz was in the Luna room resting from his intense surgery a week ago. The thing they recovered was something to make a human A.I hybrid. Lucky for Alcatraz he was the candidate to get the powers and Ronnie Anne was in the med bay as well. They tried to see why she have massive headaches from battling any Queen xenomorph.

Lola: so...anyone want to talk?

Luna: talk about what? Are mission failed?

Lola: no about all the predators we killed before we got him.

Luan: oh yeah. Well, they weren't that strong anyway.

Luna: they should have given us a challenge by sending higher class predators.

Alcatraz then walked into the mess hall and he sat near Luna. Before he could say or do anything he just held his head.

Luna: Alcatraz you should lay down.

Alcatraz: no I'm fine. Just a headache. That's all.

Luna stood up and she just looks down at him.

Luna stood up and she just looks down at him

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Alcatraz: your glare don't scare me Luna.

She sighs and she sits back down.

Lincoln: I can't imagine being turned into a human A.I.

Lola: so how did you get all the logic from

Alcatraz: A.I's are copied from dead brains. Then they can learn anything. If their smart theirs no limit and they could learn human emotions. Like my A.I H.V.

Lincoln: you have an A.I?

Alcatraz: yeah.

Luna: why didn't you have him talk to Skynet?

H.V: I tried to. But after giving him some of my logic of letting you think they destroyed you and he comes with me. He became self-aware and he tried to corrupt me. But since I was lord intelligent I escaped.

Alcatraz: that all happens after I watched you get beaten by wires.

Luna: you asshole.

Lana: you two seem closer. Why is that?

Luna: he's my boyfriend.

Luan and Lynn just looked at her but Lincoln started to laugh hitting the table.

Lincoln: Good one Alcatraz! Oh my God! Okay, tell us the truth. Say she's lying.

Alcatraz just looked at Lincoln with a confused look and then Lincoln just raised an eyebrow.

Lincoln: you're for real. You love my sister who has been obsessed with you, learned everything about you, founded out about your blood type and hair length and leaned your birthday by doing what a stalker would do.

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