Chapter 21 Disagreement

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After the mission the teams was resting. While they was Alcatraz and Lincoln was walking around the base. They noticed that the marines and workers have been moving things around none stop. While they walked down the halls into the hangar they seen some ship that was 489.71 meters or 1,606.65 ft in length and a width of  155.58 meters 510.42 ft and 139.20 meters 456.68 ft in height.

Lincoln: hey what is all of this?

Director: we have got the green light to move into space.

Lincoln: space? But nothing is out there.

Director: on the contrary Lincoln. We have multiple planets with human life.

Alcatraz: then can I ask why are we moving into space.

Director: the plans Lori retrieves have said that Balrog is planning on moving into space.

Alcatraz: great. So when do we leave?

Director: no. Your team will all stay here. Which is the louds, agent bob and star and you of course Mister Johnson. We will head into space to get everything set up. You all will stay in the base. When the time is up and we succeed in leaving orbit transfer the files on the drive to me and destroy the ones on the system.

Lincoln: yes sir.

As they turn around walking back down the hall Alcatraz looks at the drive in his hand and he placed it in his pocket.

Lincoln: let's see how the team is.

As they walked into the training room Lola was hitting a training dummy using her knives in hand. She was stabbing her knives into the neck of the dummy and the stomach as she hit different spots. Lana was just in her steal or iron form testing her strength. Spongebob was working on his marksmen ship. Patrick was laying in the corner. Luan was just resting while Lynn and Ronnie Anne was training. Luna was the only who was just alone messing with the holo targets.

Lincoln: everyone we have news. The director said we are moving into space. But we all will not. We will stay here until they need us Alright.

Luna: really? Will Lori be moving with them?

Lynn: you have to watch your tone, Luna. Besides what have Lori done to you that was so bad.

Luna: I don't think that's your concern, Lynn.

Lynn turns around getting up walking to Luna as Luna stood up. Luna only looks down at Lynn while everyone was quiet.

Lynn: you know. Ever since we have two of our siblings came back from where they were you've been acting like a real pain. When we found Lincoln you decided to change everything Up. You flirt with Alcatraz when you first meant him and now that Lori is back your deciding to make everything worse. We changed for the better when we found Lincoln. You changed everything we did to make him comfortable, but when Lori came back you just showed him how you really act. You showed him that you're really competitive with everything you do.

Luna: you can't prove that Lynn, the showboater, the one who wanted to show that she was better than us when we beat you at one game. You made brushing your teeth into a game, when Lincoln was drinking milk you decided to chug the whole thing faster than him, you wanted to run up the stairs faster than Leni, when Lisa was testing chemicals you just run in her room and made a bigger explosion which wasn't what she intended to do, you wanted to make washing dishes into a game when you saw Lucy doing it,  you then yelled "I can to go sleep faster than Y'all" and after we all groaned you just want to yell "and snore louder than you!" Then when we tried to have a relaying drive you want to race us and beat us on your bike. So you want to say that I'm trying to outdo you, dudes?

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