Chapter 17 return to royal woods/crisis in the streets

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After healing up from their injuries the louds along with their two friends Alcatraz and Ronnie Anne returned to where the loud kids use to push and shove to show their love. Jax and a couple of other scientists were able to replicate the loud family house and as they were heading to their house there was a note on the door of my grouse house.

Luna: to the surviving loud kids, if your reading this, that means I'm with my family, I saved enough money to go see them. I was encouraged to do so with y'all passing if none of you are still alive. But if you are I hope you founded your son lincoln loud. I hope you all Rest In Peace, Mr. Grouse.

The loud kids all just stood there in silence while Alcatraz and Ronnie Anne just walk to the house looking around. As Alcatraz looked up the stairs looking at the pictures of all the kids the rest of the louds walked into the house while Lynn just flops onto the couch face first.

Lynn: (muffled) oh I missed this couch so much.

Lori grabbed the remote and she turns on the T.V and an ad of Crytek appeared. Everyone looked at the T.V and then no one else but Alex was standing there.

Alex: the past. Present and the future. All are terms of the timeline but is their really any future or past? The answer is no. Here at Crytek, we live in the now. The future and past in one. We find the technology and we make it with resources that could be founded in the future.

Alcatraz: oh no.

Alex: thanks to our intelligence A.I we have successfully made a time machine, although we can't use it we take rare earth elements back from the past and from the future with no changes to the world.

Ronnie Anne: Alex...

Lincoln: I hate that guy.

Alex: but the best bit of information is the new mobile app we called crisis. This app will have faster internet and a A.I that can actually respond. Here's an example.

As they all watched the T.V Alcatraz sighs and he stood up but before he could walk away H.V looked at the T.V.

H.V: that voice, sounds like the Skynet A.I.

Alcatraz: impossible. It crashed into a mountain and I left e.m.p grenades and actual grenades in there.

Luna: thing should be dead.

Lynn: where are you going?

Alcatraz: exploding.

Luna: I'll come with.

Lincoln: same.

Lynn: I'll stay here, going to work on my lynning out.

Lincoln: lynning o-(He stiffs the air and he starts to choke and gag) oh God! Lynn!

Lynn: it wasn't me?

They all look at Lori.

Lori: what!? It was my shoe! See!  (he starts to move her feet) it's not doing it know.

Alcatraz: I didn't know shoes could smell like the inside of a garage.

The three walk outside the house and they looked at the changes to the city. As the two louds look around they heard a female voice that called out Luna. As they turn they see a blond girl with a light blue stripe. She as about the same size and bust as Luna and she was walking to them.

Luna: Sam?

Lincoln: that's Sam?

Sam: oh my God luna, it's been so long.

Luna: Hey Sam, how have you been?

Sam: I've been terrible. I thought you all died and you never found your brother, and now look, your back, your brother is right there and theirs some Cyan haired guy.

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