Chapter 69: The Underwhelming prophecy final/The end but the beginning

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(Hey everyone. This book will be coming to an end in this chapter and the next chapter. The book will be finished and with the ending, you'll see what lead to the remastered book. The reason why this one is ending now was because of the ideas I had for this book wouldn't fit now and it wouldn't make sense to add them all now. They will be placed in the new book. Where it'll make more sense and don't worry. The xenomorph Ronnie Anne planted in Lincoln would make an appearance in the remastered book. Once Ronnie Anne stops being insane that is. But the xenomorph arc would be shown there. Some of the arcs here will go there. This one will, Ronnie Anne resurgence will be another arc that'll show up, a lot earlier than expected. New arcs will also show up. You could say I lost passion making this book, but the only reason why is because with the remastered I can't add the other things in here. The ending would make it clear about why. I can't stress how much the ending of this book is important to the other book.

The team made it to the final location. Another alien temple where Lisa should be at. The team walked towards it but that's when terminators show up and aimed at them. Rev 9 then dropped down in Infront of them.

Rev 9; End is the road.

Lincoln: Ah crap.

Rev 9: Where is the Alpha? Oh. Also(she takes out a pistol and she fired it at Lincoln. He moves and it hits his shoulder only. She quickly moved it to his head and was about to pull the trigger but Alcatraz kicked her in her face sending her into two other terminators)

Alcatraz: Okay. This ends here. Lincoln, y'all go finish that prophecy. We'll handle her.

Lincoln nods and they runoff. Alcatraz, Lori, Lana, and Lola stared at the Rev 9.

Rev 9: Oh really. Y'all think y'all can't beat me? Cute. What I been doing wasn't my true powers.

Alcatraz: Funny you should say that. It wasn't mine either.

She just nodded and leaps to him punching him in the face sending him through some rocks and he crashed near a mountain.

Lori: Lola, Lana! Deal with the terminators!

Rev 9 turns and created to blades and used them to try and stab or cut off Lori limbs.

Rev 9: You know your not the real Lori.

Lori dodges each attack and she grabbed the blade

Lori: Oh. I know. But atleast she's back.

She kicked Rev 9 in the stomach and she slides back. But she rushed back to them and went for some more stabs which Lori easily dodged. Her hands glow and she fired a blast but the rev 9 eyes glow and she fired her eyebeam at it and pushed the blast back to her.

Alcatraz leaps towards her and right hook her sending her to the ground. Alcatraz grabbed her neck and slammed her into the ground before tossing 100 miles away from him.

French narrator: meanwhile

Sid: Okay Predator. Where to now?

Before the predator could speak a tentacle went through its chest and it was raised into the sky. As it rises in pain they turn and saw Lisa standing there.

Lisa: It's over Lincoln.

Lincoln: That's what you think.

Luan and Sid leap to her but they were both punched across the face hard. She turns towards Luan and rapidly punched her in multiple places and she turns and does the same to Sid. She grabbed their shoulders and smashed them into each other.

Ronnie Anne leaps to her but Lisa grabbed her shoulder and that's when Ronnie Anne unleashed her atomic fire to Lisa's face. She quickly let's go and yelled in pain as she was backpedaling in pain. Ronnie Anne leaps towards her and continued her assault. Rapidly punching him in the stomach and chest. She breaks her knee and shouts in pain once again. Ronnie Anne uppercuts her creating a shock wave that went throughout the building while breaking most of the walls. She falls down and gets back up. She went back to Ronnie Anne. She grabbed her shoulder but as Ronnie Anne was going to use her atomic flames she quickly covers her mouth and her eyes widen. She then uppercuts Ronnie Anne hard causing her to spit out the flames along with blood and teeth. She was then kicked through the wall and outside of the area.

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